Daily Word, 1 Samuel 2, Warning to the Scoundrels


“…But I will honor those who honor me, and I will despise those who think lightly of me.” 1 Samuel 2:30b


Read 1 Samuel 2.


Worthless men… (NASB)

Scoundrels… (NLT)(NIV)

A bad lot… (MSG)

Corrupt… Dishonorable… Unprincipled… (AMP)

“They did not know [nor respect] the Lord.” 1 Samuel 2:12 AMP


Can you imagine going to church and having someone bully you out of your offering? That is what was happening in the temple. Families would go to Shiloh to offer their sacrifices, and the sons of Eli the priest, Hophni and Phinehas, would dig their claws into the meat and take the first portion for themselves. Verse 17 says that “the sin of these young men was very serious in the Lord’s sight.”


It is no wonder the various translations of this Scriptural account use such scathing words to describe them. I am shocked at how blatantly disrespectful they were about the things of God. They were seducing the women in the temple, handling the offerings with contempt, and they had no regard for discipline or correction. The presence of God was a joke to them.


Eli confronted his sons about their behavior, but he did not hold them accountable. He did nothing to bring correction. Therefore, God ultimately held him responsible.


Consequently, God sent a prophet to warn Eli and his sons of impending disaster if they didn’t repent. He forewarned them that not one member of their family would live a full life, but they would all die at a young age. The priesthood would also be taken from their lineage. Any surviving members of the family would eventually become beggars.


Wow, that is worse than a Lifetime movie! However, this makes me step back and take a serious look at myself for a moment. How many times have I approached the presence of the Lord in a casual manner, or with less than the reverential awe God so rightly deserves. Are there times I take the things of God too lightly? Am I often lackadaisical about obedience? Do I ever use grace as a crutch to indulge my flesh?


How about when I approach the house of God? Do I treat it as a holy place in honor of the Lord? Or, am I too distracted during the worship service? Perhaps we can be so busy nitpicking the band or the pastor that we haven’t truly plugged in to the presence of God that has gloriously filled the place. I would never want to miss the move of God because I was too caught up in myself or in the externals of the service!


In verse 30, we see how God feels about those who think lightly of Him. It says that He despises them. However, God honors those who honor Him.


On the other side of the coin are Hannah and Samuel. Regardless of the disrespect Eli’s sons constantly displayed in the House of the Lord, Hannah began today’s chapter by singing a song of thanksgiving and praise to God! Samuel began growing in stature and favor with the Lord as he served faithfully in the temple.


The holiness of God is not something to scorn. He is worthy of our highest praise and our deepest, heartfelt worship. He is El Elyon, God Most High. He is Adonai, our Lord and Master. He is the All Sufficient One, our Victor, the Creator of the universe, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our Healer, our Provider, and the Great I Am!


May we never grieve the Holy Spirit with a cavalier attitude or an indifferent heart. Rather, let us evaluate our hearts and give Him the honor He is due!







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