Daily Word, A Servant’s Heart, Mark 10 and Luke 17


But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant. Mark 10:43


“Grumble, grumble, grumble…” Here I was checking off a to-do list of tasks that needed to be done for the church, but I was fighting resentment that I was having to do it by myself. There was so much to do, and no one responded to the invitation to help. I was overwhelmed and exhausted, and I didn’t feel that anyone would notice or appreciate all the work I had done. At the same time, we had just received the news that we would no longer be receiving a salary. I was entertaining thoughts that I was being taken advantage of, and I shouldn’t have to be doing all of this for nothing.


I remember stopping in the middle of the fellowship hall, and I shouted, “NO MORE!” It was time to nip those grumps in the bud! I refused to entertain those thoughts of resentment or entitlement any longer! I began praying and worshiping out loud. I began telling God what an honor it is to serve Him in this way, and that it is my pleasure to scrub toilets, tend to the flower beds, and do all these messy jobs for the glory of God! I began singing, “I do this in love. I do this in love. All that I am, I give…”


I felt so convicted of my attitude. I normally enjoy doing physical work to bless God’s house, and I am not afraid to do humble work. However, my problem was that I wanted recognition and appreciation for what I was doing. I remembered Jesus’ teaching that a servant was the one who was great in the Kingdom of God. I thought I was being humble by doing the dirty work, but my attitude ruined everything! So what if my hands were filthy and my back was killing me if my heart was in it for all the wrong reasons.


I realized that when Jesus taught about having a servant’s heart, it was about much more than just being willing to do lowly work. It is all about a humble heart! Humility is more than mere absence of pride. It also involves doing things without recognition or compensation and being OK with that. It is understanding that it is not about ME all the time! It is about building His Kingdom, and not my own.


Look at what Jesus had to say in Luke 17:7-10… “When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, does his master say, ‘Come in and eat with me’?  No, he says, ‘Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me while I eat. Then you can eat later.’ And does the master thank the servant for doing what he was told to do? Of course not. In the same way, when you obey me you should say, ‘We are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty.’”


Now, I understand that when we serve God, it is motivated by love, and not obligation. So, don’t get tripped up by the word “duty.” However, what this is saying is that a servant does his work without asking anything in return. He just does what needs to be done with no complaints or demands. A servant does not do his work for the sake of a “thank you” or a pat on the back. Even if no one else notices or shows appreciation for his work, he continues to do what is expected of him.


That was the part of being a servant I was missing. Everyone had told me that to be in the ministry, I needed to be OK with scrubbing toilets and sweeping floors. Yes, I am perfectly fine with that! However, it is not true humility if it is done for the purpose of being recognized. That is being prideful in our humility, which in turn cancels out authentic humility! To have a true servant’s heart, it is our joy to do whatever needs to be done to build God’s Kingdom and to minister to others, regardless of the cost to ourselves.


May we have a sincere heart of love, joy, and humility to serve God and others, whether anyone ever notices or not!



Make me like You; please, make me like You.

You are a servant; make me one too.

Oh, Lord, I am willing; do what You must do

to make me like You, Lord. Please, make me like You.



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