Daily Word – Love Your Enemies

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“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven…” Matthew 5:43-44a NLT


Continuing on in Matthew 5 with The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins to teach a brand new attitude toward others that goes against our natural tendencies.


When we have been attacked or mistreated, our knee jerk reaction is to retaliate! We want them to pay, and we want the punishment to fit the crime. It is human nature, our innate desire for justice. However, Jesus came and rocked the boat big time with this one!


In verses 38-42, Jesus refutes the old way of thinking that the penalty should match the severity of the crime, better known as “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” Rather, He teaches a better way to keep peace and to revolutionize our society. Instead of retaliating, let’s show mercy! What a brilliant, yet strange idea! Jesus taught that when someone tries to take something from you, instead of resisting, give it willingly. As matter of fact, why not offer even more? This is where the phrase, “Go the extra mile” comes from. When someone makes a demand of you, why not give them more?


Wow that goes against our natural thinking!


Can you imagine how things would change in our culture if we took this attitude? I don’t think Jesus is meaning to become a door mat, but I believe He is teaching us not to make such a big deal over petty things. Depending on the situation, fighting back often escalates the situation, and nobody wins. If we just brush it off, it takes all the fun out of it for the bullies. Instead of butting heads with people, rise above and show that you are better than such trivial behavior. Then, leave justice in God’s hands. He can do a much better job than any of us can do anyway!


I honestly believe that Jesus wasn’t referring only to minor matters here. In a serious or criminal case, we do need to seek help and justice from authority. Yet, even in such a situation, we are still not to seek revenge or retaliate. Justice is not for us to employ; it is in God’s hands. Our place is to forgive and to love. Understand that there is a difference between an authority figure administering justice and the victim seeking revenge. There is also a difference between standing up against tyranny and learning when to leave a matter alone.


Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 ESV


Jesus didn’t stop there! In verses 43-48, He takes it another step further and instructs us to not only forgive, but to love our enemies. What?! You may feel like your enemy doesn’t deserve it, but you aren’t doing it for them. You are doing it for your own peace. You aren’t saying that what they did wasn’t wrong or that it didn’t hurt you. You are simply leaving it in God’s hands and allowing yourself to have peace.


If you truly want your heart to heal when you have been hurt or betrayed, just give it a try! Forgive, and then choose to love. Show kindness, and watch your heart soften. Jesus loved us when we were unlovely, and when we consider what amazing grace He has shown to us, how can we not consider showing that same grace to others?


If we can only show love to those who love us first, then we are no different than the people of the world, pagans as Jesus called them. However, as children of God, we are a rare and precious breed! If we have God, then we have love. If we don’t love, we don’t have God. Those are some tough words!


“Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8 NLT


Disclaimer: This is not to say that we have to put ourselves in a position to continue being mistreated. Forgiveness is not permission for someone to continue abusing us. We are to set healthy boundaries in our relationships, and even keep our distance for protection when needed. However, we must be careful not to harbor bitterness.


The bottom line is that as Christ followers, we no longer live according to our impulses. We live by a new standard, the standard of love!




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