Day 11 of Our Fall Home Challenge: Fall Craft Fun

31 Days to Bless Your Home, and How to Have Fun Doing It Too!
Week 2: The Sensual Home: Learning to Appeal to All Five Senses to Create Warmth and Beauty in our Homes
Day 11: Fall Craft Fun
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22
I hope you have enjoyed this week’s challenges! Today is all about having fun, whether you have small kids or it is just you.
Did you know that October is National Popcorn Month? We have to do something with popcorn! Here is an idea I pulled from my teaching resource file for October:
Pop-A-Rif-ic Popcorn Balls

·         3 quarts of unsalted popped popcorn
·         1 lb. package of marshmallows
·         ¼ cup of butter or margarine
·         Red and yellow food coloring
·         Small candies for decorating – candy sprinkles, raisins, chocolate chips, candy corn, red hots, gummies, licorice, etc.
In a large saucepan, cook marshmallows and butter over low heat until melted and smooth. Add a few drops of red and yellow food coloring and mix well until you get a great pumpkin shade of orange. Pour mixture over popcorn and toss gently to cover evenly. Cool about five minutes. Butter hands and form popcorn into 2 ½ in. balls. Place on wax paper to cool. Add candies or colored icing to make pumpkin faces.
Option: You may mix mini M&M’s or candy corn in with the popcorn for a very special treat!
Nature Wreath
This is a fun activity I did with my kids when we home schooled. These make beautiful decorations that the kids can make themselves!
·         Go for a nature walk and collect beautiful leaves, acorns, sticks, pine cones, or anything you find that is beautiful or interesting.
·         Shape a wire clothes hanger into a large circle.
·         Thread toilet paper rolls around the hanger.
·         Or, you can use a Styrofoam wreath base.
·         Glue your nature finds onto the rolls.
·         As an option, you can spray paint with clear paint and sprinkle with a bit of glitter.
·         So pretty!
Gourd Critters

Image from Mailbox Magazine

This is a silly craft I used from Mailbox Magazine, a resource magazine for elementary school teachers.
We all know how much fun it is to decorate pumpkins for fall, but gourds make the silliest and funniest creatures! Use paint, fabric scraps, pipe cleaners, yarn, wiggly eyes, ric rac, rubber cement, and anything else that you would like. Be creative and use these to make a fun fall display.
I hope you have fun with these!
Week Two Challenge: Choose one new idea from each of the five senses to enhance the atmosphere of your home.
Today’s Challenge: Do something fun as a family to celebrate fall.
Don’t forget; tomorrow is Bible study day! We will have a Scriptural study to draw us deeper into the Word and more intimate with the Father. I hope that we will develop a fresh passion for the Word of God that will make a difference in our lives!
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Thank you and God bless!
Shari Lewis

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