Day 15 of Our Fall Home Challenge: Sparkling Toilets, Tubs, and Sinks

31 Days to Bless Your Home, and How to Have Fun Doing It Too!
Week 3: The Glamorous Side of Homemaking: Cleaning, Organizing, and Decluttering
Day 15: Sparkling Toilets, Tubs, and Sinks
First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
    rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
    is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.
She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,
    diligent in homemaking.
  Proverbs 31:17-19 MSG

(This is an adaption of an original post from 10/13/13.)

OK, Ladies, it is time for the really glamorous side of homemaking!  I thought I’d break you in gently by starting the week with decluttering and organizing. Today, however, we are going to bless our homes and families by scrubbing toilets and bathtubs and sinks!  Oh my!
The first thing I want to get across to you is that what you do is so valuable!  There are times as wives and moms that we can feel so underappreciated and unsung.  We look at the nasty ring in the bathtub, and then we look at reflections in the mirror with our sweat pants, t-shirts, and pony tails, and think, “Who is this frump looking back at me?  This is not the life I expected!”  When we look at it that way, it is enough to make us feel like useless hags! 
If you are a working mom, it is easy to feel resentful that you are essentially having to do two full time jobs, and that bathtub ring can be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back!  It is enough to make a woman feel nuts!
Is that negative enough for you?  I promise; no more of that!  The point is that it is all in how we look at it.  God convicted me of my attitude years ago, and by just changing my perspective, my housecleaning took on new purpose and meaning.  Now when I look at that yucky ring in the bathtub, (OK, let’s go ahead and add the lovely porcelain throne too!) I see it as an opportunity to create a clean, well-managed, and comfortable haven for my family.  I began to see it as an honor and as a ministry.
Scrubbing toilets as a ministry?  Yes, it is!  I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out.  When we do the menial work of cleaning and taking care of our homes, we are creating the environment where our husbands, children, and any other family members do life.  It is the place where they rest, work, create, play, be inspired, make memories, and receive the bulk of their spiritual training.  Will they do all of this in a home that is reasonably well-managed, tidy, and in order?  Are they observing an example of discipline and diligence that will spark habits of success in other areas of their lives?  Do they have the sense of well-being that accompanies a clean and well-ordered environment? 
I am not trying to throw guilt at you, but a clean home is so much more than rubber gloves and a sweaty brow!  Think of it this way, when you love someone with all your heart, what kind of environment would you want them to live in?  We would naturally want only the very best!  Out of our love for our families, let us give them exactly that!  Let us take the effort to make their home as pleasant and as comfortable as possible!  Cleanliness is a big chunk of that!
Just keep it all in balance! Remember, no perfectionism allowed, just excellence.
Oh, and I’m not opposed to sharing this responsibility either!  Just so you know!  If my husband picks up a mop, I’m not going to argue!  After I pick myself up off the floor and get over the shock, I will welcome the teamwork.  However, I do consider it my primary responsibility to manage our home and make it a haven.  God gives us as women that unique ability to create the atmosphere.
Here are some practical tips to help:
Kitchens and bathrooms are germ central, and we are going to attack those little critters today before they spread their bounty of bacteria and viruses throughout our families.  
  • Every morning when you get ready for the day, and every night before bed, put everything away.  Do not leave toiletries or hair styling tools on the counter.  It only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to do!  Then, using a washcloth, paper towel, or bathroom wipe, quickly wipe down the sink, counter, and toilet.  It takes mere seconds, and your bathroom will be company ready at all times! If you use a flat iron, you probably have a lot of broken hairs on the counter that need to be whisked away.  If you have boys, you know the benefit of daily wipe downs! There, it was worth a few extra seconds to have a bathroom that stays clean every day.
  • I don’t do the tubs as often as I used to.  We have four people living in our house, and four bathrooms.  We each have our own tub, and therefore, our own scum. Nice,huh?   A daily shower spray eliminates having to clean as often, and they are life savers when you have as many tubs as I do to clean!
  • Make it a habit for family members to pull their own hair out of the drain and to spot clean any messes they make.  This will eliminate having to clean as often too.
  • For weekly cleanings, or sometimes every two weeks, depending on the degree of scum, I always begin with dry cleaning first before cleaning anything wet.  When you sweep and dust, it is so much easier to do when the floor is dry!  (Remember, we do daily wipe downs, so it doesn’t get very dirty!)  When you dust, don’t forget tops of towel holders, toilet paper dispensers, and the front of cabinets. They can get gross pretty quickly!
  • I begin by spraying everything with Scrubbing Bubbles so that it can sit and do the work for me.  It also takes time for all the germs to die.  The surface needs to remain wet for at least 10 minutes to kill all the germs.  I also put toilet cleaner in the bowl.  Now to work!
  • I have no reason for this except that it is easier for me to go around the room in one direction.  I always do it in this order – tub, toilet, mirror, sink and counter, and then floor.  I have found that routines and habits help me finish tasks more quickly and with less effort.
  • For the toilet and sink, after the cleaner has soaked for several minutes,  I clean everything with a sponge, then rinse, and then wipe everything with a clean cloth diaper, buffing as I go to make sure everything sparkles, especially any chrome.  I knew those cloth diapers were good for something! Since I wipe everything down daily, this part doesn’t take too long.
  • I have heard many ladies using an apron in which they can keep all of their cleaning supplies on hand to save time.  I love the idea, but I get so hot when I clean, that I just can’t stand it!  Rather, I have a caddy stocked with everything I need, and I place it dead center in the room to quickly grab what I need.
  • I finish by mopping the floor.  You can do baseboards too, but I don’t worry about them but a couple of times a year.  I mean, really! 
  • Now for the next three bathrooms!  Ugh!  Oops – I mean, yay!

  • My best advice is to clean right away every time you use anything.  Put food away immediately. Wipe the counters right away.  Rinse dishes right after you use them and put in the dishwasher.  This only works if you empty the dishwasher after every use! Just like we talked about on Monday, a little bit every day consistently is much easier than procrastinating and trying to conquer a huge mountain of dishes at one time.
  • Once in a while you might need to use some comet to scrub the sink so it stays sparkling white (or silver).
  • Dishwashers are made now to clean dishes with food on them, but if they sit for any length of time, the food gets stuck and may not ever come off!  Also, the food may get sprayed onto other dishes.  It is always better to rinse dishes well, and even scrub the hard stuff off before putting them in the dishwasher. Keep a scrubby sponge handy for quick swishes as you stack the dishwasher.
  • Clean as you go!  Wipe things off; put things away; throw away any packaging; etc. while you cook.  My mother used to say that to me all the time, and it has stuck!  She taught me that cleaning up is a part of cooking.  After dinner clean-up will be so much faster too!
  • Reach into the abyss, I mean the refrigerator, every few days for anything rotting or any uneaten leftovers.  Get rid of it and put the container in the dishwasher.  Yep, you even have to wipe down and disinfect the shelves every so often!  Most experts recommend every week, but I confess, I don’t do it that often!  Check for any “gross stuff” accumulating in the rubber grooves of the door and the ice maker tray too.  Many people miss those until they become scary!
  • Wipe the fronts of the cabinets often before grease and dust mix together and accumulate into a hardened shell on your cabinets.  Don’t forget to check for fingerprints!
  • I sweep daily, but I don’t mop as often as I probably should.  Rather, I just use a paper towel and spot clean any mess I see.  However, as a nana, when my sweet grandbaby comes, that floor is spic-and-span! If you have wooden floors, or wood laminate, I recommend a steam mop. Or, water with a bit of vinegar cleans better than most commercial cleaners.
  • If you don’t have a self-cleaning oven, my advice is to clean often enough before the crud becomes too hardened to manage.  However, we usually procrastinate this job because it seems like it will be so much harder than it really is.  Sure, it smells really bad, and it is disgusting, but it really doesn’t take that long.  Talk yourself into it like a coach pumps up a football team, and get in there and do it!
Well, that just about covers my routine.  I am sure most of your have your own routines and can teach me a thing or two!  What I hope you get out of this is a fresh inspiration to do the messy work of making our homes a haven. Now that your work is done, do grab yourself a cup of coffee with some spiced pumpkin creamer and relax with a great book!  You have earned it!
Week Three Challenge: It is time to roll up our sleeves and give our homes some extra TLC this week. What have you been putting off?  This is the week to tackle it!
Today’s Challenge: After you have had your shower and are getting ready for the day, put everything away as soon as you finish using it. Then, do a speedy wipe down of the sink, counter, and toilet.
Come join us tomorrow as I share tips for organizing our homes.  Imagine being able to find something you are looking for right away!
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Thank you and God bless!
Shari Lewis

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