Day 4 of Our Fall Home Challenge: Assorted Fruit and Family Fun Night

31 Days to Bless Your Home, and How to Have Fun Doing It Too!
Week 1: The Spirit of the Home: Creating an Atmosphere Where the Fruit of the Spirit Abounds
Day 4: Assorted Fruit and Family Fun Night
Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:1

Some of our favorite games. Balderdash is the family favorite!

In the next two weeks, we are going to have so much fun with all the tangible aspects of blessing our homes, but let us not forget that the true essence of home is found in the relationships that reside within. I hope today you will find ideas for creating family fun nights that will nurture a tight-knit bond, provide opportunities to put the fruit of the spirit into practice, and to create precious memories that will last a life-time.
Pardon me while I reminisce for a moment. Some of my dearest memories of when my children were growing up center around Family Fun Night. Friday night was understood that we would spend the evening together just enjoying each other. We usually ordered pizza or grilled out and played games late into the night. We also had a talent show sometimes that was a blast! My second son would do magic tricks and make us laugh until our ribs hurt!
My children thought they were just having fun, but much more was really going on. They were learning to play fair and be good sports, to be cooperative and considerate of others, to follow rules, to be submissive to each other by playing whatever their siblings chose, and so much more! They learned humility by cheering each other on while their sister danced, their brother played the piano, or while they did skits or comedy acts. They were learning patience with their younger siblings and how to settle their disagreements in a peaceful manner. In the process of playing together, they had concrete opportunities to develop love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  
Now that my children are grown and on their own, my eyes are opened further to what our family fun nights accomplished. The bond that was developed through the course of those nights carried us through some severe storms as they grew older. The brothers especially have become very best friends, and I carry this precious sentiment deep within my heart.  The best gift we received from all of the fun nights? We carry eternal memories with us that keep us close, although we all now live states apart.

This quickly brings us to today’s challenge, and then I’ll share a ton of ideas!

Week One Challenge: Read Galatians 5:22-23 and prayerfully reflect on ways you see the Fruit of the Spirit thriving in your home and areas in which God would lead your family to grow. Write in a journal throughout the week ideas that the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. Pray for each member of your family.
Today’s Challenge: Have a Family Fun Night.

This is my crew! We have added another grandchild since we made this.

Here are some ideas to make your Family Fun Night successful:
  • Have a fun meal that isn’t too much work. You don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen; give yourself the freedom to spend with your family. We often order pizza, have barbecue or stew in the crock pot, make chili dogs, or even splurge once in a while and go to one of our favorite restaurants.
  • Play board games.
  • Have a talent show. 
  • Have a marathon of “Minute to Win It” challenges. Fun!
  • Make a blanket fort and make up silly stories.
  • Family Fun Night’s don’t always have to be at home. Go to the zoo, a museum, a concert, an indoor or outdoor playground, the circus, or a play. Go bowling, skating, or play miniature golf. I used to take my kids to the ballet, and as adults, they still enjoy it!
  • Have a fancy night. Dress up in your fanciest duds and serve a gourmet meal on fine china with candles and classical music.
  • Make a home movie or take silly pictures together. Wear costumes and make a simple set.
  • Don’t forget movie nights once in a while! Go to the theater, or watch movies at home. However, movies are not conducive to communication or interaction. Don’t get stuck  in the movie rut!
  • Have a cup-cake decorating contest.
  • Do an art project or craft together. 
  • Outdoor activities count too! Badminton, soccer, football, tennis, or other outdoor sports can be a blast with the kiddos! If you are ambitious, go camping, boating, fishing, or horse-back riding for a rare treat.
  • Set up an obstacle course or have relay races. We used to make up the silliest relay races possible, such as running to the other side of the yard, putting on an entire suitcase full of ugly clothes, and running back to exchange the clothes with the next person.
  • On a warm evening, have fun with water guns and water balloons, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, yard darts, Hill-Billy golf, or corn hole. 
  • Go on a family bike ride or hike on a lovely wooded trail.
  • Build a fire in the fire place and roast marshmallows.
  • Work a puzzle.
  • Just like in school, have a show-and-tell so that each family member can share something with each other that is special to them.

The possibilities are endless! I hope you have so much fun with this that you make it a weekly habit that will continue for years! If you are an empty-nester like I am, please do not neglect a Family Fun Night with your spouse, or even your grandkids! My husband and I call it Date Night now, but it is the same idea. We look forward to spending quality time together every week, and it brings us so much closer!
Join me tomorrow for a short Bible study about the role of humility in a home where the Fruit of the Spirit abounds.
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Thank you and God bless!
Shari Lewis

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