Day 9 of Our Fall Home Challenge: The Comfort of Home

31 Days to Bless Your Home, and How to Have Fun Doing It Too!
Week 2: The Sensual Home: Learning to Appeal to All Five Senses to Create Warmth and Beauty in our Homes
Day 9: The Comfort of Home
“She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.” Proverbs 31:22 NIV
I hope you are having fun blessing your homes! Your families must be enjoying the special touches. This week so far, we have added luscious fragrance, soothing music, gorgeous flowers, and splashes of fall color. Today we move on to the sense of touch.
Think of textures, temperature, and fluff.  Make everyone in your home experience luxurious comfort in every room of the house.  Use downy throws and blankets, squishy pillows, soft rugs, textured curtains, fluffy comforters, cushiony furniture, etc.  Experiment with a variety of textures and weights of fabric to add subtle hints of comfort throughout your home.
In the bedroom invest in a wonderful bed. After all, that is where we spend about one third of our lives! Look for the most comfortable sheets you can find with a high thread count.  Only the best will do!  In the fall and winter, I like to use fleece sheets, and they are out-of-this-world comfortable!  I thought they would make me miserable with hot flashes, but not at all!  They feel so good! I also have a feather bed under my sheets and a down comforter on top.  So fluffy!
Hugging my girl!

While I am on the topic of touch, I cannot discount the value of hugs, snuggles, massages, holding hands, caresses, or any other soothing touches of love.  A home that is full of affection is a home full of love.
That is where I want to focus today. Of all the ways to bless our homes and families with the sense of touch, nothing is more meaningful than physical touch. Make a point to hug each other daily. Offer back rubs and massages liberally. Hair play is great for reducing stress and help one relax too! Sit closely; snuggle while watching TV; hold hands with your husband when you go places; and tickle those youngins! Don’t be afraid to let kisses flow freely too!
It is easy to get busy and let too much time go by without showing affection to our families. Make it a daily habit, and start with hugs!
Week Two Challenge: Choose one new idea from each of the five senses to enhance the atmosphere of your home.
Today’s Challenge: Give everyone in your household a great big hug!
Tomorrow is the final sense, the sense of taste. What a perfect day for some great fall recipes! You don’t want to miss it! Saturday will be craft day, and Sunday is Bible study day. Stay tuned!
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And, if you really want to help spread the word and bless your friends, be sure to “Like” and “Share!” 
Thank you and God bless!
Shari Lewis

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