Diagnosis – Obesity?

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It’s about time for an update!
I am so proud and excited to announce that I have lost 11 pounds since my first blog about my weight loss journey! Once I got through the initial head aches and fatigue from changing my eating habits, I began to start feeling better. I have a tad more energy, and my cravings have lessened quite a bit. Getting sugar out of my system is the best thing I could have done!
So far, what I have been doing is to cut out sugar and white flour, most processed food, and especially pop. I eat my fill of fruit and vegetables and drink fruit, kale, and spinach smoothies. I limit bread, rice, and starchy foods, even whole grains. I eat lean meats, nuts, etc. I also allow one or two cheats a week to help me stay on course. When I plan my cheats, I try to make it worth it!
Exercise has been more of a challenge. I have pain in my knees, hips, and feet that has become so severe that I can hardly handle most forms of exercise. When I go for a walk, do a video, or even do housework, I can barely walk at all the next day. You should see me hobble! Just call me Crip!
A few days ago, I discovered a lump about the size of an egg at the base of my thigh, just above my right knee. All I had to do was go to WebMD to scare my pants off! The possible diagnoses really scared me.
When I went to the doctor, she felt the lump and said that it just feels like inflammation in a tendon. She also believes I have developed arthritis in my knees. I am still waiting for results from x-rays to be sure. It is possible that it could be a tumor, but not as likely.  I also have plantar fasciitis and heel spurs in my feet. I had healed from that in the past just by losing weight, and that is basically all I need to do now to heal my feet again.
Here is what really got me…
As I left the examination room and headed to the check-out desk, I couldn’t help notice what the doctor had written on my discharge form. Under the word diagnosis, she had written nice and boldly – OBESITY! Obesity? What an ugly word, and she was talking about me? I had gone to her to check out my knee, and her diagnosis was obesity. That word really shook me up! She had written several other things, but that was the only word that jumped out at me.
Then it hit me. All of my physical problems and the debilitating pain that I struggle with every day has its root in one source – my weight. I have been compromising my health and quality of life by my own poor choices. I have done it to myself. What have I done?
The good news is that it is not too late to make changes. My doctor gave me some words of encouragement and hope. She did tell me that I have to lose weight. She recommended that I swim or ride a bike for exercise for a while to protect my aching joints until they heal. She said that losing weight is the very best remedy for all of the pain I have been suffering from, and that once I lose more weight, I’ll be able to do other forms of exercise more easily and with less pain.
She was pleased that I am on the right track and moving in the right direction. It sure is a long road to travel, but I am on the journey!
It is tempting to become discouraged and overwhelmed when I look at how far I still need to go. However, I didn’t get this out of control overnight. I won’t get back in shape overnight either. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Instead of fretting about all the work that lies ahead of me, I will celebrate each milestone as it comes.
Today, I celebrate 11 pounds! I celebrate my new healthy eating habits. I celebrate my noticeable increase in energy.
I’m getting there, y’all!
I sincerely hope that as I share my struggles and progress that you are inspired and encouraged in your own personal journey as well. I would love for you to share your progress and struggles with me as well. Drop me a note in the comments section and let me know how you are doing. Let me know how I may pray with you as well.
God bless!
Shari Lewis

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3 thoughts on “Diagnosis – Obesity?

  1. Dottie

    Hi Sgari, I just found this blog. I’m in your Wed. Night online Bible study in Ephesians niw. This spoke to me in a big way. I’ve had a battle with the same 80 lbs for over 10 years. I’m now seeing a dietician and have been gluten, dairy, sugar free for over 6months. No loss at all yet due to endocrine issues. Sering new endo Dr. now. Hard not to give up and give in when sewing no results on the scale, But…… I know God is challenging my “Women’s Worth-View” and asking me to not be sidelined but to stay the course to honor Him. Thanks for your encouragement. I too remember that dark day in a Dr’s office. ….. that printed word can be such a “well intented” slap in the face.

    1. Shari Lewis Post author

      Dottie, I am so glad you found this and have been encouraged! One thing God has put in my heart is that food is a gift, but we too often love the gift more than we do the giver. That is how it so easily gets out of control. I am glad you are understanding your worth and value as a woman, and that those extra few pounds don’t effect that at all. 6 months free – wow! I will pray for you that you will see and feel the success of your hard work and commitment to taking care of your health. God bless!

  2. Tandy Cummings

    I am down 4 lbs and just today began walking again. I am icing my knee and lower back and plan on getting back out there again in the morning. I am SO proud of you and celebrate with you!! We can do this!


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