Faith Dare, Day 10: Mind Management

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Dare to Guard Your Thoughts and fill Your Mind with Good

An example of one of Stephen’s creations

When my son, Stephen, was growing up, he was an absolute Lego genius!  I was so amazed at some of his creations. He could see what he wanted to make in his mind, and piece by piece, it always came together beautifully.  Many of his masterpieces were original designs of his, yet some of my favorite structures were all the Star Wars collections he had.  We kept him stocked with almost every kit available, and his bedroom was like a Lego/Star Wars museum! 

My son, Stephen, the Lego King!
What does that have to do with mind management?  In today’s Faith Dare, the concept that struck me as especially meaningful was expressed in the quote Debbie included by Tommy Newberry from The 4:8 Principle, in which he said, “You are writing your own life story as a human being with each subtle and soundless thought you think.”
It is extremely profound to me to think of my thoughts as building blocks of my life, and it is so true!  We really do become as our thoughts. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  (Proverbs 23:7)
I have always appreciated Joyce Meyer’s teaching from Battlefield of the Mind as well, because that is when I first realized that we don’t have to entertain and dwell on every single thought that enters our minds.  We have the power and the responsibility to choose what is allowed into our minds and upon which we will dwell.  Our minds really are a battleground, and lies and negative thoughts are Satan’s favorite weapons to use against us.  These destructive thoughts can keep us from living a fruitful and victorious life, and the only remedy is to replace these with truth from God’s Word.
The Bible has so much to say about our minds, and it is a matter of choice and obedience to manage our thought life in accordance with Scripture.  Taking our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ is a powerful strategy of warfare that will ensure our victory.  As we wage this war daily in our minds, our thoughts actually do become building blocks that become our beliefs, our lifestyles, our successes and failures, the quality of our relationships, and our productivity in life.  Hence, the quality of life that we build with our thoughts is an investment we make into the Kingdom of God, and in that way we are waging war against our enemy. 
Too often, people become bound by strongholds they have constructed in their minds little by little from wrong thinking, such as lies, bitterness, lust, greed, pride, insecurities, etc.  These thoughts are paralyzing, and they can keep us from living a victorious and dynamic life.  The only key to freedom from such imprisonment is in the truth of God’s Word. 
We have the power to choose our thoughts, and we can build lives full of love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, praise, and productivity that will honor our Lord.  Two principles described in today’s Faith Dare to help change the pattern are:
·         Recognize the negative thoughts and determine how regularly you entertain them.
·         Practice putting a positive where a negative might be.
The source of power for change is the Holy Spirit, and the most important tool we have is God’s Word.  We must draw from both with all that is in us, and then put forth the effort to choose and to change.
Answers to today’s questions…
Today’s truth is speaking to me…
One of the most important contributions to changing our lives is to manage our thoughts.  Our thought patterns dictate our lifestyles, and the quality of the life we live.  Thoughts are not merely passive, uncontrollable activities of our minds, but we have the power to choose and to change our thoughts.  The most effective way is to replace lies and negative thinking with truth from God’s Word and choose positive thinking.  We can dwell or focus on things that bring life, joy, peace,  and success.  We can maintain thoughts that are pleasing to God and are life-producing for us.  Consequently, we can change our lives by changing our thoughts.
We are in constant spiritual warfare, and battles are won or lost first in our minds.  Satan tries to leave us wounded and defeated in our minds, but God’s truths free us and give us the victory.  We can choose to which we will give in.
I also love the concept that mind management is a spiritual discipline, similarly to Scripture study, prayer, giving, serving, going to church, etc.  As Christians, this is something we must consistently practice on a daily basis.
God is asking me to…
Be conscious of negative thinking patterns and replace them with a positive perspective.
Concentrate on things that are positive, true, right, successful, faithful, and life-building.  Choose to have joy and peace.
Fill my mind with God’s Word, wise teaching, excellent literature, quality music and entertainment, and positive thoughts.
Exercise my brain, learn, use mind, do games and puzzles, read, memorize Scripture.
My challenge is to…
Think about and expect the best in others.
Break negative, passive, destructive, and hindering habits of thinking.
Change my thinking patterns about myself – insecurities, lack of confidence, and self-criticism
Think like a winner, an overcomer, and a warrior of Christ.
Today’s prayer…
Father, I come to you knowing that it is important to surrender my mind to you.  This means that when I have negative thoughts that threaten to take me away from my place of peace in you, I have to do something. Teach me how to cast down, tear down, or disassemble every thought that does not honor you or your Word. 
Favorite Quotes…
“Bad thoughts are like flies. They dog us, change the way we view things, and come in like a swarm to discourage us.”
“It is clear to me that I must give my thoughts to God.  The best way to stop a mental moment is to interrupt it and replace it with a positive truth, a Scripture passage, or praise.”
“God’s Word is the divine power that can demolish the places in our minds that are held in a stranglehold by our own negative thoughts, worldly perceptions, or the lies of hell.  We cannot huff and puff and blow away the bad thoughts.  But we must take them captive, making them obedient to truth.”
“The best way to get rid of bad thoughts is to replace them with whatever is good.”
“No one can control where you dwell mentally except you.”
“…Get out the lie swatter of God’s Word and hit those pesky lies.”
“To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”  Romans 8:6 NKJV
“…and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:5

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”  Colossians 3:2

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