Faith Dare, Day 7: The Power of God

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Dare to Believe in God’s Power in All Circumstances

My Super-hero facade

Evidence of power is clearly seen in our everyday lives.  From the power in nature, such as within the waves of the ocean or the enormity of storms that may be approaching, to the convenience of electricity in our homes to cook our meals and to supply the power needed to charge our phones and laptops.  Our lawnmowers, treadmills, and hairdryers are all dependent on electrical power as well.  When we climbed the mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky last weekend, we appreciated the power in our car that enabled us maintain our pace. 

As Americans, we have always seemed to be so intrigued by power, such as in our obsession with super heroes.  We feel triumphant when Superman or Ironman gets the bad guy.
I have a close friend who for years demonstrated tremendous physical power in a ministry similar to The Power Team.  He could break huge blocks of ice with his head and baseball bats over his thigh.  He could bend golf clubs with his bare hands.  What is so cool is that he used his awesome physical power to draw people all over the world to the even more amazing power of God.
Power is the energy and potential to do something.  If only we realized the potential power to which we have constant access through Christ!  We often miss out on all that God has in store because we doubt His power in our lives.  We often allow insecurities or doubt to sap of us His valuable power that could be pulsating through us.  We behave as if we are “weak-willed,” and we ignore the fact that the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is the very same Spirit who lives inside of us.  We are equipped to faithfully and powerfully execute everything that God has called us to do.  We have authority through the name of Jesus, and all the power needed to live a victorious and dynamic life.  We can count on it!
Answers to today’s questions…
Today’s truth is speaking to me…
We have tremendous power inside of us through Christ.  We often don’t realize the potential of what is available to us.
God’s plan is that the world may come to know Him through us.   His plan is that our lives will be an example of His splendor to others. That is quite a responsibility, but He has given us the power we need to live a life that allows Him to be revealed in us.  He has a purpose for us that He planned in advance for us to accomplish.  He has good works or us to do and an effective lifestyle planned for us to live.  His desire is for us to bear much fruit. 
What is so great is that He has given us all the power we need to do what He has called us to do. We have the same spirit living inside of us that raised Jesus from the dead!  Now, that is power!  We can be absolutely sure that His power is available to us when we need it, and it will always be more than enough. 
God is asking me to…
Proceed in His calling for me with boldness.
Write, teach, speak, lead worship, make videos, and be ready for whatever else God calls me to do, and go for it with confidence.
I need to trust in the power He has made abundantly available to me.
My challenge is to…
Seek God about His plans for Pearls for Living and draw out a plan for its growth.
Today’s Prayer…
Lord, I thank you that you did not leave me without you in this world.  You gave me your Spirit, and you placed your power within me. Please help me remember that your power, mighty in strength, lives within me.  Remind me to live in that power as an overcomer in the hard places of life.  Let the truth of your power enable me to take faith risks every day – risking to love, to forgive, to do the right things, risking to share the gospel, to make a stand, or to change the world.
Favorite Quotes…

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
“Often we take God’s power for granted and fail to tap into it even though it is in us and available to us each day.”
“Life gets exciting when we realize that a resurrection took place within us when we became Christ’s, and now we are filled with the Holy Spirit.”
“His plan is to make Himself known in this world through your life.”
“He has already planned the good work He desired you to do.”
“We represent Him as ambassadors of his love, grace, and power in this world.”
“I must always keep in mind that I am not to go out under my own power and represent myself.  I am to walk under authority to Him in this world as his representative, his ambassador, his woman.”
“Father I thank you that your power is alive within me today. Use my life according to your power.”
“Dare to walk in the truth of being appointed by God in your everyday, average, ordinary life.”

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