Faith Dare, Day 8: The Power Connection

Dare to Plug into the Power Source

When we first moved into our house, the landscaping in the front looked more like a jungle than a garden!  For one, we have ivy growing around the posts on the front porch.  When it is trimmed and neat, it looks very pretty; however, it gave the impression of a haunted house when we first looked at it. 
My darling husband, wanting to clean things up a bit, began hacking away at the tangled mess with hedge trimmers.  However, he accidentally cut the connection of the ivy to the vine, which was its source of life.  Gradually, over the course of a few weeks, we noticed it drying out and turning brown.  It began withering and dying until it eventually had to be completely removed. 
Thankfully, in the spring, the ivy returned because the vine had survived and remained healthy.  We learned how to properly trim it and to make sure it remained attached to the vine. 
This scenario came back to me during the week of New Years.  Each year on New Year’s Eve, I reminisce over the previous year’s trials and triumphs and contemplate how I have grown and what I have learned. I then pray about my goals and priorities for the next year.  This year, as I prayed, I had such an impression that this year’s focus for me was to “Abide in the vine.”  Now, what did that mean?
As I pondered what that meant for me, I realized that most of the time, my goals included all the things I would “do,” but I had neglected what was most important, intimacy with Christ.  I was trying to do so many things in my own strength and left bewildered when I found myself overwhelmed and burnt out.  I had tried to do and be so much, but without being connected to the power source that provided everything I needed.  No wonder I had an anemic spirit and felt like I was withering away inside!
This year, my focus would be first and foremost my relationship with Jesus.  I would simply draw close to Him, and from Him I would receive all the power and guidance I needed for the “doing.”  What a difference that has made!  I am connected to my source of life, strength, hope, and power!  I have all I need in Him!  I learned first-hand that when we begin with Him, all the rest falls into place!
Today’s Answers…
Today’s truth is speaking to me…
As fruit must be attached to the vine to grow and ripen, so must we be connected to our power source – Jesus.  The power is always available, but unless we “plug in,” we cannot utilize it. We plug in through prayer, God’s Word, fellowship, and obedience.  When we connect to to Him daily, we will have dynamic power flowing though our lives to live far above our expectations and way beyond ourselves.  The fruit that will be produced in our lives will be extraordinarily sweet and satisfying!
My challenge is to…
Remain in Him and maintain an intimate relationship with him.  Connect to Him daily through consistent prayer time, Bible study, interaction with other believers, corporate and personal worship, meditation, service, and writing. Occasionally, I need to boost the voltage of His power in my life through fasting and intense seeking. 
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
My challenge is to…
Not allow my need for consistency and discipline to become a legalistic chore which can cause me to miss out on intimacy with Him altogether.  It is not about performance or following rules.   I need to keep my focus on my relationship with Him over what I do for Him.  He is more interested in my heart than He is with my performance or deeds.  My challenge is also to tap into His power for what I need for success rather than trusting in my own strength.
Today’s Prayer…
Father, blow me away as I connect to you. Be my power, the rhythm of my life, the cadence of my steps, and everything that represents me walking here on this earth.  Live in me, work through me, have your intended way in my life today, tomorrow, next week, next month…always, Lord. I desire to remain in you and be blown away by your power, presence, and love.
Favorite Quotes…
“Coffee with Jesus is one of my favorite things. I sit before him and he just blows me away… with his power, presence, and love.”
“Each of us was created for a specific purpose. Our manufacturer, the Almighty God, has a design for each individual life.”
“We are unable to do the Christ walk in our own strength – and so He himself provides the power!”
“Here is the secret:  what was intended for us spiritually cannot take place unless we are plugged into the outlet of all power… Jesus Christ.”
“When we are not connected, we are void of power and fruit.  But when we are connected, all things are possible in and through us. When connected, we can operate as the manufacturer intended.”
“When I am connected to my maker, his power pulsing through me, my life is filled with the very things I so desperately desire:  love,  joy, peace, patience…anyone else need these?”
“Dare to step out of your comfort zone today.  Dare to try something you would not ordinarily feel you could do. Experience the power of God enabling you to live above yourself.”
Favorite Scripture of the Day…
John 15:4-5, 8, 11
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.

11 I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!

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