Faith Dare, Day Three: Living Loved

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Ann’s father, mother, Ann, Bryan, Stephen, me, Natalie, and a family friend, Toby

I have had the most wonderful visit with my sons, my soon-to-be-daughter-in-love, Ann, and her parents, who came in from Taiwan this weekend for her graduation from Ohio State.  I was so nervous, and even a bit intimidated beforehand about meeting them, but everything went so beautifully.  We all got along so well, like long time friends, and they were so easy to talk to.  Her parents are extremely successful in the academic world, so I was a bit apprehensive about how comfortable I would be.  Her father is the vice president of a major university, and her mother is the head of the science department of a different university. I was afraid I would end up with toilet paper on my shoe or say something really silly, but my fears were unfounded.  We had instant camaraderie!

Bryan officially asked them for Ann’s hand in marriage, and they enthusiastically said yes.  We celebrated their engagement as well as her graduation.  They really love Bryan, and I can tell our families will mesh very well together.  

Because of all of this excitement, I postponed my blogging for a few days; however, I did do all of my Faith Dare writing on paper at least. So, here goes some catching up with all of you!

Day Three: Living Loved

I have battled insecurities all my life.  Layer by layer, as I have grown in my walk with the Lord, I have been shedding these insecurities and rebuilding my self-image with God’s truths.  For years, I had given in to deceptive thinking about my true self, my value, my intelligence, my appearance, my personality, and my abilities. You name it, whatever area, and my mind could find a way to taunt me with self-doubt.  And, to some degree, I believe we all have some kind of tendency to that end. 

Through tough seasons of my life, I saw myself according to untrue labels and names. I had internalized hurts and insecurities that developed from a misinterpretation of events in my childhood.  For example, if one of my siblings teased me about crying, I learned that my feelings were insignificant and should be stuffed.  Or, if I struggled with a school assignment, I told myself that I was not very intelligent. 

That sounds pitiful, doesn’t it?  However, that is Satan’s favorite tool to use against all of God’s children.  He steals quality of life and fruitfulness from us by his big batch of lies that he hurls at us any chance he can get.  That is why we must be so full of God’s Word, so that we do not have to succumb to his antics.  God has given us weapons of warfare that ensure our victory, but we must employ them, with the power of the Holy Spirit, in order to defeat this nasty foe.

The truth is that we are loved so very much.  We are His children, and He is so proud to claim us as His.  We were made in His image.  We are accepted by Him.  He cares for us.  He is concerned about every aspect of our lives.  He even enjoys us!  He is crazy about us!  Take this in – He loves YOU and ME with an everlasting and unfailing love!

Here are my answers to the questions:

Today’s truth is speaking to me…

When I see myself as God sees me, and grasp the fact that I am so very loved, my life will be different.  I need to love and accept myself as I am and to walk in confidence of God’s love and acceptance for me.  I need to throw off the negative labels that have held me back, cast off the hurts and mistakes of the past, and walk instead in truth.  The truth is that I am God’s child, and He loves me with an everlasting love.

God is asking me to…

Examine areas in my life where I have allowed insecurities to rule me. Allow God to reveal hidden hurts and lies I carry about myself and to identify the source.  I need to list these lies and replace them with specific truths found in God’s Word.  It is time to believe God’s truths about myself with all my heart, and to live in the freedom of the knowledge that I am very loved and accepted as I am

My challenge is to…

Move forward with confidence in areas of God’s calling in my life.  Insecurities have gotten in the way, but no longer will I allow myself to be frozen by such nonsense.  I will trust God and dream big.  I will walk boldly toward the great things God has put in my heart.

Today’s prayer by Debbie Alsdorf… (It is so awesome today!)

Lord, I often feel alone.  Many days I am stuck in a rut of shame or insecurity.  In these places that pull me down to the world’s level of thinking, I forget your love for me. Thank you that your love is profuse, extravagant, and overflowing.  In a world filled with people, you care enough to lavish your love on me – because you call me your own child.  That is who I am.  I desire to treat others the way you treat me.  I desire to live loved and to live in your love in my relationships.

Favorite Quotes…

“We learn to live loved by taking his Word of truth by faith.  In doing so, He replaced our fears with a wonderful peace that some of us have heard about but have never experienced first hand.”

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!”  1John 3:1

“When we live as one who is loved, we live differently.  Life is no longer a set o unfortunate circumstances but instead a journey with the Father.”

“Are you living as one who is loved today?  Or are you still defined by the labels and mistakes of your past?”

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2 thoughts on “Faith Dare, Day Three: Living Loved

  1. Shari Lewis

    You are right, but why is it often easier to extend grace to others than it is to ourselves? We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes! I am so thankful for Day 3's reminder of God's awesome love!

  2. heathercking

    What a sweet family time you had! So exciting!

    I recognize that negative internal dialogue you describe and catch myself at it far too often. It begins so simply—one mistake–and suddenly I'm defining and condemning myself. I am "a mess" or "hopeless" or an "idiot" or "fool" or whatever name-calling fits the moment. I find I'm far harder on myself than on others. We need these reminders of God's love to help us catch ourselves red-handed and start giving a little grace!!!


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