1. Go back to your first love. In John’s letter to Ephesus in Revelation 2:4,5, Jesus told them “But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first…” How did you become passionate about God in the first place? This is probably how you will become passionate again. Fall in love with Jesus all over again!
2. Get hungry! One thing I have learned in the dieting world is that we have a tendency to crave the things that we are used to eating. For example, if we consume a lot of sugar and sweets, we will hanker for more sweets. If we habitually munch on salty snacks, we will crave salt. When we eat fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables, we will crave fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables. If we do not have an appetite for things that are good for us, that is a sure sign that we have been eating too much junk.
The same is true in the spiritual realm. How are we filling our hearts and minds? When we regularly feast on God’s Word, and we communicate intimately with the Lord every day, we will hunger passionately for Him. However, worldly junk will surely spoil our spiritual appetites the same way junk food spoils or physical appetites.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” We must be hungry before we will be filled. We also must be on guard about letting the junk in, because it will surely crowd out our healthy appetite. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
3. Smash some idols. Get rid of anything and everything that has taken God’s place in your heart, and remove anything that is a distraction to you. Whether it is too much TV, Facebook, shopping, a bad relationship, substance abuse – you name your vice! I am reminded that when Nehemiah led the people of Israel to rebuild the wall, they had to remove heaps of rubble before they could complete the task. The garbage had to be eliminated before the wall could be erected.
Similarly with us, we must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal and remove extraneous things that are in the way. Hebrews 12:1 states it perfectly, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
4. Don’t settle! Instead, search for God with all that is in you! Come on; it’s time to get your determination back! Take a long hard look at your heart and take inventory. Have you lost your first love? Have you noticed a root of complacency or boredom? Are you all in, or is there something missing? It is time to do something about it. Don’t try to justify it. Don’t give in to it.
Here is what you do: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart,” says the Lord in Jeremiah 29:13. With all of your heart also includes seeking him first above all other things, as in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Seek Him first and with all that is in you, and you have His promise that you will find Him.
Go Back to Your First Love
Have you ever wondered why you just don’t have the passion that you used to have for the things of God? Have you felt a drifting away from your first love?
Perhaps you have noticed that another week has gone by and you haven’t cracked open your Bible even once. You still love God’s Word, but you can’t seem to find time to read it during the week. You justify it by telling yourself that at least you are getting fed each week by going to church; however, you constantly fight your mind wandering during the sermon, and you can’t even remember what the pastor was talking about. Besides, church, or religion, rather, has become so boring!
This may or may not be you, but the truth is that we all fight spiritual apathy at different levels and in various seasons in our lives. Whether you are one who merely struggles with consistency with spiritual disciplines; or you have gotten out of the habit of going to church altogether and may attend only on holidays or for special events; or you have remained faithful yet do only the minimum that will suffice; no matter where you fall on the spectrum, it all boils down to having a passion and an appetite for God.
Even for those of us who are on fire for God, there are times our flame seems to dwindle, and we may not even notice the change until our flame has been extinguished. By then, we don’t know how to get it back.
Why is it that droves of modern-day Christians merely settle for surface routines or religious rituals and don’t seem to be concerned about a genuine encounter with the living God? As long as they can do enough good deeds, or appear holy on the surface, their pride is satiated, and they can go merrily on their way. Just scratching the surface in pursuit of God is enough to feel good about themselves without looking “over-saved” to the rest of the world.
I am jumping all over the spectrum here, but perhaps you have found yourself here at one end or the other. Perhaps you have recognized a compromise in your heart, and you have participated in things that you would not have dreamed you would ever do. Or, perhaps you have lost interest or have gotten bored with things that used to excite you.
What can you do about it?
I am urging you to get your passion back. Just “taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34:8). Talk to Him. Tell the Lord that you are finished with your old way of living. Tell Him that you want to know Him intimately, and any less is not enough. Tell Him that you are tired of the same old religious routines, and you are ready for the real thing with Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind and your life. Allow Him to saturate your entire being and to refresh you. He can, and He will if you let Him!
No longer can you endure boredom or a nonchalant spiritual life once you have sampled a genuine, exciting, intimate, and passionate relationship with God.
You can have it, in Jesus name!