On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” Then they remembered his words. Luke 24:1-8 NIV
Hallelujah! Rejoice! Praise the Lord! Sing Glory! Celebrate! He is risen!
What an amazing celebration we have had this Easter! After these past four weeks of deeply contemplating the sacrifice and intense love of our Lord and Savior for us through our book study, what a joy to complete this season with a time to celebrate and rejoice! Because He has risen, we have reason to hope for our own resurrection. Because Jesus was victorious over sin, death, and hell, we are also victorious! Because Jesus paid the price, we can stand before Him 100% forgiven, clean, and whole! What a reason to rejoice! Thank You, Lord!
Because Jesus paid the price, we can stand before Him 100% forgiven, clean, and whole! What a reason to rejoice!
Looking back at the wonderful discussions we have had in our small groups concerning the events of Holy Week and the intensity of the crucifixion, something profound stands out to me. When Jesus was arrested, the Bible says that every single disciple took off running. He was on His own. Yet, as we read chapter 7 in our books, what astounds me is that the Bible describes several women who stayed by His side the entire time. We also get names and a few details to give us some understanding of who they were. The fact that they were listed shows that these women were important to Jesus and were worthy of honor.
When Jesus was arrested, the Bible says that every single disciple took off running… The Bible describes several women who stayed by His side the entire time.
It is important to understand the significance that Jesus places on women in general by this description. Of course, His mother was there. The one who gave birth to Him, nursed Him, and lovingly reared Him from a bouncy toddler, to the remarkable boy who astounded the religious leaders when He drifted from His parents at Passover, to the Savior of the world who was struggling for every breath on that cruel cross.
It is important to understand the significance that Jesus places on women.
Mary Magdalene was mentioned numerous times in Scripture. From a hopeless, demon-possessed woman to a strong woman of faith who often accompanied Jesus and His disciples. What an honor to be one of the very first to see Jesus after His resurrection, and to be chosen to be one of the first to proclaim the good news!
Each of us can also be one of the women Jesus honors because of our faith and faithfulness if we would just draw close to Him.
Other women were also mentioned, but one of the take-aways for us is that no matter who we are, no matter what we have been through, and no matter what our struggles are, we too can stay close to Jesus. Jesus redeems and restores lives. He heals hearts. He replaces despair with hope. He makes all things new. Because of His resurrection, we can have new life! Each of us can also be one of the women Jesus honors because of our faith and faithfulness if we would just draw close to Him.
Can you imagine the waiting through the Sabbath? After all the horror they witnessed, and the intense grief that made it difficult to even breathe, the waiting until sundown at the end of the Sabbath before they could buy the spices and begin preparations to anoint Jesus’ body for burial. There had not been enough time since He died and was taken down from the cross just before sundown at the beginning of the Sabbath. Now the agony of waiting!
No matter who we are, no matter what we have been through, and no matter what our struggles are, we too can stay close to Jesus. Jesus redeems and restores lives. He heals hearts. He replaces despair with hope. He makes all things new. Because of His resurrection, we can have new life!
Oh, but early in the morning, even before sunrise, they made their way to the tomb with the spices they had purchased. Would they even be able to move the stone that covered the entrance to the tomb? That didn’t matter. They would find a way somehow. They loved their Lord with all that was in them, and it was time to give Him the honor He deserved. As they approached the tomb, however, something was awry. The stone had already been rolled away!
Matthew’s account says that there was an earthquake, and an angel of the Lord had removed the stone and was waiting there. I am thrilled with the question he asks the women, “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen!”
I can’t imagine the shock! I would have been skeptical at first, but then we share a tender scene as Jesus reveals Himself to Mary Magdalene. She doesn’t even recognize Him at first because she is so bent down in grief, but He gently speaks her name. As she looks up, she recognizes the face of her sweet Lord! He is alive!
Have you ever been so weighted down with grief or sorrow that you can hardly look up to see Jesus through your pain? When we finally see past our heartache to gaze into the face of Jesus, we see that He has always been right there! He never left us, but He brings hope and healing to us in the midst of our sorrow. May we recognize His presence just as Mary did!
He brings hope and healing to us in the midst of our sorrow!
Week 3 Discussion Questions
Here is a sneak peek of this week’s discussion questions:
Standing near the cross were Jesus’ mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene. John 19:25 NLT
QUESTION 1: Notice that as Jesus’ mother stood near the cross, watching her son suffer and die, she was not alone. I can imagine her very own sister holding her up physically as well as spiritually as her worst nightmare was coming true. Consider the importance of having a support group of sisters/friends when you are going through a trial. Can you think of a time a good friend was there for you during a difficult trial? How did she comfort or encourage you? OR, have you ever gone through a trial by yourself? How does that make it worse?
QUESTION 2: While the disciples had run away at Jesus’ arrest, the women remained by His side until the very end. The women were also the first ones present at the empty tomb. What does the prominence of women in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus mean to you? How does their example of faithfulness challenge you to a deeper relationship with Jesus?
QUESTION 3: Mary Magdalene wept at the tomb of Jesus; however, when Jesus spoke her name, she suddenly recognized Him. Can you imagine that glorious moment when she realized her Lord was alive? His first charge for her was to “Go tell.” She was the very first one to share the good news of His resurrection. Do you feel comfortable sharing your faith with others? Where do you need to go, and whom do you need to tell? What do you need to help you be more comfortable about sharing your faith?
QUESTION 4: Mary Magdalene represents to us the hope of change. From a woman who was formerly possessed by seven demons, she eventually demonstrated renewed character, courage, faithfulness, commitment, a willingness to both lead and follow, and boldness born of the Spirit. How does her example encourage or inspire you?
But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-6 NLT
QUESTION 5: What does the resurrection of Christ mean to you?
QUESTION 6: Romans 8:11 says that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us. How does this Scripture speak to you? Do you have an area in your life that needs this resurrection power?
This concludes our study of The Women of Easter, by Liz Curtis Higgs. I pray this has been a wondrously life-transforming season in your life! Be sure to join us for our next study, Becoming Heart Sisters, by Natalie Chambers Snapp, beginning May 1st!
God bless!