Welcome to our conclusion of WEEK 3 and our introduction to WEEK 4 of A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit, by Nicki Koziarz! Each week has become progressively challenging yet also rewarding! We are learning more about ourselves and overcoming our own personal limitations as we unfold layers of Ruth’s story and glean from her example.
The second life-giving character habit that we explored and pondered this past week from the life of Ruth is that “She follows through despite how she feels.”
Sometimes our emotions try to boss us around. Whether it is our wacky hormones, tiredness, depression, anger, discouragement, frustration, feeling overwhelmed, boredom, distractions, and much more, these things can take their toll on our resolve to follow through with our commitments.
In my teaching video this week, we used a sports analogy to illustrate the importance of follow through. For example, in tennis, the idea of follow through is the final and probably the most important step of swinging one’s racket to ensure the intended direction of the ball and the success of specific techniques, such as spin or slice. I am not going to pretend that I know much about the techniques of tennis, but I just take my son’s word for it that follow through is what makes these techniques work. A stroke is not complete or successful without follow through.
Isn’t it the same in life? We must keep the end goal in site and not quit before we reach it. However, too often disappointments, failures, distractions, moods, and people can derail us from our course. It is easy to begin anything with enthusiasm and excitement, but when our feelings begin to get in the way, we become discouraged or overwhelmed; we get bored with it or become interested in something else; we get tired, feel under-appreciated, or lose our confidence; or for whatever reason, without a solid plan, a firm decision, and strength of character, we will not follow through with our commitments.
Ruth set the example for us in chapter 2, verse 7, “She has been hard at work ever since, except for a few minutes’ rest in the shelter.” This is a woman who had every reason to quit in life, but we see her working diligently and non-stop, regardless of how hot and sweaty she was, how back-breaking the work was, or how scary her situation was. She had accepted what she needed to do and just did it.
One of my favorite quotes from this week of study was, “Favor follows those who follow through despite how they feel. Honor follows those who allow humility to shape them, and for those who do not give up, they will see the faithfulness of God.”
As we begin WEEK 4 today, we will shift our focus to the third habit we learn from Ruth’s story, “She stays open to the movement of God.”
We all have our own dreams and plans for our lives, but wouldn’t it be tragic to miss God’s best for us because we rigidly held to our own ideas? Rather, this week we will learn to draw near to God, to trust Him no matter what is happening in our lives, to embrace God’s forgiveness and grace, to rebound from our mistakes, to set aside excuses, and to lay our plans aside in order to cooperate with God’s movement in our lives.
Nicki Koziarz summed it up this way, “Staying open to the movement of God is often filled with hard work – work that seems like we are going nowhere and not accomplishing much more than what we can see today. But when the time is right, the season is prepared, and our efforts have been seen, God will bring us what we need.”
Fall Giveaway
Woo Hoo! We are having our very first giveaway! We are starting small at first, but who wouldn’t want a $25 gift certificate from Amazon? I would! The giveaway is from Monday, October 10 – Tuesday, October 18th, at midnight. You can enter every day to increase your chances too! Help me spread the word! The winner will be announced on Wednesday!
Enter here: http://www.sharilewis.org/fall-giveaway/
Assignments for the week of October 17-23, 2016:
• Read and study the book of Ruth 2:15-23
• Complete week 4, pp. 90-111. You will need about 30 minutes per day, but some days will be more, and some will be less. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart before you begin each day, and pray that He will show you how to apply what you have learned.
• Optional: Watch the video for week 4. You may purchase the video bundle for this study at Lifeway.com for only $10, but this is not required.
• Join a small group this week. Look for the pinned post in our Facebook group for the schedule. If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to answer the discussion questions in a comment below or in your prayer journal.
• Watch my devotional video on our group page (usually posted on Wednesday) and join the discussion.
• Participate in group activities or view posts: Prayer thread, Faith Talk Tuesdays, Wordless Wednesdays, Favorite Fridays, Weekend in the Word, and our daily Quit Quitting Verses.
• Tell someone about Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study and help spread the word on social media.
Week 3 Discussion Questions:
QUESTION 1 (Q1): As Ruth began her work in the fields in chapter 2, what are some possible excuses she could have used that might have convinced her that her commitment wasn’t worth it? Similarly, what are some excuses we may use to quit or to not follow through with our commitments? (p. 71)
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. Zechariah 4:10 NLT
QUESTION 2 (Q2): It was Ruth’s faithfulness to her small beginning, working in the field, that led to her glorious destiny as the wife of Boaz and the great Grandma of King David. What are some “little” commitments you often don’t feel like doing? What would be the result of neglecting these commitments? (p. 74)
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. 1 Peter 5:6 NIV
QUESTION 3 (Q3): Ruth was humbled in her position, yet she also chose to humble herself by bowing low to Boaz. Because she did this, she was in the position for Boaz to lift her up. Similarly, when we humble ourselves before God, we can be sure He will lift us up in due time. What are some ways we can demonstrate humility? (p. 79)
QUESTION 4 (Q4): We see in Ruth’s story that she and Boaz each had an opportunity to make false assumptions about each other. She might have thought he was just being nice in order to take advantage of her. He might have assumed she was a thief, a con artist, a spy, or a seductress who had come to take advantage of his wealth. If they would have given into false assumptions, they would have missed some amazing blessings!
Can you think of a time you jumped to a wrong conclusion about an event or a person only to discover later that there was a perfectly good explanation? Why do you think we often have a hard time believing the best about people and situations? (p. 81)
QUESTION 5 (Q5): Ruth 2:7 gives us the example of Ruth taking a break when she needed it. One of our biggest obstacles to staying the course is becoming too tired. Often what we need is to rest rather than to quit. How can getting enough rest help us stick to our commitments? What is the difference between taking a break and quitting? (p. 83)
I hope you have a fantastic week of Bible study! I look forward to seeing you in small groups!
God bless!