Welcome to our conclusion of WEEK 4 and our introduction to WEEK 5 of A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit, by Nicki Koziarz! I hope you all are loving this Bible study as much as I am! I have been amazed at how relevant this has been in my life lately. God knows just what we need when we need it! I have no doubt that God has ordained this for a special purpose at this appointed time, and He has placed each of us together in the body as His dear daughters to grow and learn together (1 Corinthians 12:18). I am so thankful for each and every one of you, as you have been such a blessing to me throughout this study!
Let’s quickly review what we have learned so far. In the first two chapters of Ruth alone, we have learned 1) She accepts her assignment of refinement; 2) She follows through despite how she feels; and 3) She stays open to the movement of God.
This past week, our focus has been on the movement of God in our lives, even when we cannot see it. We have learned to trust and rest in the hope that He is working all things together for our good. When Ruth returned home from her first day in the fields, and Naomi began to see how God had worked every detail out so beautifully, she began to rejoice and say, (God) “has not stopped being kind to the living or the dead.” (Ruth 2:20). Once she had that taste of hope, she realized that God has been at work in their situation all along!
Just days prior, Naomi had been openly declaring how horribly God’s hand had been against her and her family. However, all it took was a glimmer of hope for her to see how all the pieces were going to fit together. She could see God’s awesome provision – food, her Kinsmen-Redeemer, the abundance that Ruth brought home, and stories of Boaz’ kindness to her. How strategic that Ruth had ended up working in the very field of Boaz! There are no coincidences with God!
Could it be the same for us? We may only see one piece of the puzzle and not realize that God is in perfect control of the whole picture. We may not see how He is working it out at the moment. However, He has certainly not forgotten you! He has been working out all the details in the perfect way and the perfect time. He has your best interest in mind, and everything will eventually work out for your good and for your glory. That’s the truth!
As we move into our fifth week of study, I am so excited to see the romantic part of the story unfold. Enter Boaz, front and center, and the wedding bells are soon to ring! The tragedy is behind her, and Ruth will begin to see more of the rewards of her perseverance and faithfulness. We will see that sticking to her commitments has been so worth it!
In the third chapter, we will discover beautiful examples of how Ruth was willing to give to others the very thing she needed. We will focus on generosity, emotional generosity, guarding our hearts, listening to and heeding wise instruction, taking risks when loving others, and renewing our determination. This is going to be a powerful and exciting week! I can hardly wait!
Assignments for the week of October 24-30, 2016:
• Read and study the book of Ruth 3:2-18
• Complete week 5, pp. 116-135. You will need about 30 minutes per day, but some days will be more, and some will be less. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart before you begin each day, and pray that He will show you how to apply what you have learned.
• Optional: Watch the video for week 5. You may purchase the video bundle for this study at Lifeway.com for only $10, but this is not required.
• Join a small group this week. Look for the pinned post in our Facebook group for the schedule. If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to answer the discussion questions in a comment below or in your prayer journal.
• Watch my devotional video on our group page (usually posted on Wednesday) and join the discussion.
• Participate in group activities or view posts: Prayer thread, Faith Talk Tuesdays, Wordless Wednesdays, Favorite Fridays, Weekend in the Word, and our daily Quit Quitting Verses.
• Tell someone about Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study and help spread the word on social media.
Discussion Questions for Week 4:
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8). Ruth demonstrated that she was a woman who had drawn near to God in several ways. She said to Naomi, “Your God will be my God.” She stayed with Naomi regardless of circumstances. Ruth 2 says that “she happened to be” in the field of Boaz, showing that God had ordained her steps. Boaz said in 2:12, “May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge…”
QUESTION 1 (Q1): What does staying open to the movement of God look like in your life?
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV
QUESTION 2 (Q2): Change can be scary and uncomfortable; however, when we stay open to what God is doing in our lives, we are in the position for God to do something fresh and exciting within us. What are some areas you want to see God move? What are some areas you may be resisting the movement of God?
“As far as the east is form the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103:12
QUESTION 3 (Q3): How can not receiving the forgiveness of God halt His movement in our lives?
“Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk – not as unwise people but as wise.” Ephesians 5:15
QUESTION 4 (Q4): What are some areas in your life you need to pay more attention to in order to walk as a wise person? What are some excuses you need to let go of?
“You don’t even know what tomorrow will bring – what your life will be! For you are like smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes.” James 4:14
QUESTION 5 (Q5): I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to keep pushing the visions and dreams God has given me for my life to “someday.” Our days on this earth are numbered, and it passes all too quickly. What are some dreams and visions God has given you for your life? What are some changes you may need to make in order to move in that direction?
QUESTION 6 (Q6): What is something you learned this week that was especially meaningful to you?
Have a blessed week of study!