
There are essentially two kinds of folks, talkers and doers. At least that is what I have heard, anyway. And, oh, did that ever sink into my gut! I saw something in myself that I didn’t like.
Has that ever happened to you?
My good friend called the other day and asked me how the ministry was going. Of course, I had a lot of exciting things to share about the church and my Bible studies, although I didn’t reveal the lingering sense of disappointment I had been feeling that growth had been much smaller than I had hoped. But, hey, God is moving, and that is what it is all about. I have a sense of satisfaction that God is growing the church His way and in His timing. To Him be the glory!
But then, the big question….
“So, how is your writing coming along? Have you finished that book yet? Are you leading your own online Bible studies yet?”
Yikes! That hit me like a brick!
I realized that I had been telling my friend for years about my big dreams of writing a book, creating teaching videos, singing, writing and leading Bible studies, and other exciting avenues that I felt God was leading me. I had talked about it with much excitement and resolve. I had felt such a holy calling, and I was raring to walk into my God-ordained destiny. How thrilling!
However, years later, I found myself still making excuses about why things were progressing so slowly. I had barely made any progress since the last time we had talked, and that was approximately a year ago. That phone call opened my eyes to how much time had gone by with little accomplished toward those dreams that I knew God had put in my heart.
OK, I’ll be honest. I had been feeling conviction in my heart for a very long time about this, not just from the call. However, seeing myself following the same pattern I had for many years, of dreaming big dreams, telling everyone my big plans, and then making excuses why I wasn’t doing anything about it, simply sickened me that day.
That is when I heard it, “There are essentially two kinds of folks, talkers and doers.” No, this wasn’t an audible voice. It was a clear message ringing through my spirit, and I knew without a doubt which type of person I had become. I could only hang my head low with remorse and repent.
Now, I have accomplished several significant milestones in ministry, and quite a few people might even commend me for some of the things I have done. But, that is not the true litmus test for obedience to God. I have learned:
- Partial obedience is not true obedience.
- Delayed obedience is not true obedience.
- Obedience without a proper attitude is not true obedience.
As I used to say to my children when they were young, “Obey, right away, with a smile on your face.” Well, that same formula also works in our walk with God. We are to do all that He has given us to do; do it promptly; and do it cheerfully as a form of worship to Him, not merely talk about it year after year without anything to show for it.
Here is what is so cool about what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, however. He did not say that to me to condemn me or to shame me. He did it to correct me so that I would be motivated to get busy doing what God has given me to do. It was a positive and loving interaction intended to change my course.
I can imagine a number of you may have also struggled with this same habit to a degree, or at least for a season. I might even bet that there are many more talkers than there are doers in this world.
Is there anyone else out there feeling the same conviction I am? Is there anyone who has dreamed and talked about doing something tremendous for many years and yet haven’t gotten around to it yet?
- Do you have a book inside of you waiting to be written?
- Have you put off taking better care of your health?
- Is that degree or new career still waiting?
- Are you holding off starting that new business out of fear?
- Maybe something smaller like finally organizing that closet or garage?
- Talking to that friend or coworker about Jesus?
- Joining the choir?
- Taking music, art, or dance lessons?
- Or, most importantly, making a decision to give your life over to Christ?
What has God laid on your heart to do? What do you dream about and talk about that you know you need to be doing instead?
Here are three types of talkers. If you see yourself in one of these, there is no need to fret. We will cover the exact steps to take to transform ourselves into doers instead.
1. Jesus gave the example of two sons, one who was a talker, and one who was a doer. Many of us get excited at first and wholeheartedly agree to do whatever He asks, but few will actually follow through. Which one is truly obedient?
“What do you think? A man had two sons. And he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ And he answered, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he changed his mind and went. And he went to the other son and said the same. And he answered, ‘I go, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said, “The first.” Matthew 21:28-31a ESV
2. In my favorite parable that Jesus told, the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), He tells of a master who distributes a certain amount of money to three of his servants while he is away. The first two invest and double their master’s money, and when he returns, he is well pleased.
The third servant, however, was unfaithful with what he had been given. He buried his talent and had nothing to give his master upon his return except for the original talent. His master was displeased and had the servant punished.
I think about these servants and wonder which one I would want to be when Christ returns. Will He be pleased with what I have done with all that He has given me, or will I be ashamed because I was too busy talking about it to do anything with it? Understand, He is full of grace and mercy, and He has made me right with Him because of His blood, and not because of my works. Nonetheless, I still want to offer Him my very best and not have any regrets or shame at the end of this short life.
3. In the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-33), the Master had called everyone to come to the feast, the good and bad, the rich and poor – everyone! However, one man in particular came without the proper attire, and he ended up being banished. This wasn’t about clothes; however, it was about his insistence in doing it his own way instead of respecting the one who had invited him.
In the same way, God has given each of us life and a purpose. He has called every one of us to follow Him and live for Him. However, being called is not enough if we do not respond and actually follow Him. We have the option of accepting His free gift of grace or foolishly rejecting Him so that we can live our lives our own way. The consequence of our decision will result in either eternal life or eternal destruction; it is our choice.
“But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment. And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:11-14 ESV
In these three examples, I talked about (1) obedience, (2) faithfulness, and (3) surrendering our lives to Christ. If you see yourself in either of these scenarios, there is hope for you. The fact that you still have breath is evidence that you still have purpose.
Here is what you can do:
Repent, which simply means to do a 180, or to go the opposite direction. It also includes asking for forgiveness and accepting it.
Renew your commitment to God. Realize that anything we do is ultimately for His glory alone.
Ask God for His help. You can be sure He will do it!
Write down what it is that you have been putting off. Be specific, and don’t be afraid to stretch yourself. What is your dream? Your goal? Your calling?
Write down steps that you can do toward that goal. For example, it may be getting up earlier in the morning and spending at least 30-60 minutes per day writing, exercising, decluttering, learning, applying for schools or jobs, practicing an instrument, etc.
Don’t accept excuses, but don’t beat yourself up either. Be firm with yourself, but be gentle too.
Today, what is one thing you can do? Remember, even if you only take one step, at least you are moving in the right direction. Momentum will eventually propel you forward.
Concentrate on 21 consecutive days of strict, focused creation of new habits. Soon, these are things you will do automatically.
Know when to tell yourself “No.” Sometimes we have to discipline our unruly flesh like we would a child.
Celebrate! Every step forward is a reason for celebration. Give thanks for each step God has seen you through.
If the third story resonated with you, and you want to know more about what it means to be saved, I have included a link here to guide you. I have explained thoroughly about the gift of salvation as well as how to accept Christ as your personal Savior. I also include steps to grow in your walk with Christ. Please let me know how I can pray with you or encourage you.
My prayer is that my personal struggle gives you hope and encouragement. Let us all make a commitment together to be doers instead of merely talkers – in Jesus’ name!
God bless!
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
James 1:22 ESV