Life Is Like a Good Cup of Coffee

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I love a good cup of coffee! I enjoy relaxing on my front porch with a riveting book in one hand, and a fresh cup of java in the other. My favorite is a strong, French roast. I enjoy the mingling of the extra-bold flavor with the smooth sweetness of a flavored creamer, such as Bailey’s French vanilla or Chocolatini.  Calm the bitterness just a bit with some Stevia, and that is heavenly to me!

What I love so much is the combination of flavors. Bold mixed with creamy, and bitter combined with sweet. Add a dollop of whipped cream, and the marriage of tastes propel me to a blissful state!

The same idea applies to good cooking. I do not claim any talent in culinary arts, but I do enjoy sampling new recipes and combinations of food and spices. Oh, and eating them too! How boring would food be without some salt, Cayenne pepper, cinnamon, sugar, garlic, cumin, onions, or cheddar cheese? The variety and unique combinations are what satisfy the palate. Think of spicy enchiladas, savory lasagna, hearty, zesty soups, sweet and smoky barbecue, fresh garden salads, and sweet/tart fruit pies.  It is the combinations of flavors that make those dishes so scrumptious!

Such is life.

Some days bring sorrow, struggle, stress, and loss. Some days are full of constant demands with no immediate reward. Some seasons seem unbalanced with loneliness, shame, failure, and heart break. Unrequited love. Rejection. Betrayal. Tragedy. The storms and uncertainty of life can leave quite a bitter aftertaste.

On the other hand, God provides a plethora of blessings with which to season our lives – the small, daily joys as well as the profound, once-in-a-lifetime experiences. If we take careful notice, we can see the sweetness all around us that lessens the bitterness of our difficulties.

  • Kissing the sweet cheeks of our little ones
  • Stroking the soft fur of our faithful pets
  • The feel of sunshine on our faces
  • The breathtaking array of colors in the late afternoon sky
  • The fun of dancing to some adrenaline pumping music
  • Or conversely, kicking back with some soothing, relaxing music
  • The joy of spending time with good friends
  • To name a few

The biggies get mixed in once in a while too, like marrying the love of your life, giving birth to a perfect, bright-eyed, chunky little baby, watching your grandchildren being born, publishing your first novel, landing the job of your dreams, your first car or home, or the vacation of your dreams. I’m sure you can name at least one major event in your life that has given you absolute, untainted, joy. That is a gift from God!

Wouldn’t it be nice if we only had the sweet times and never had to taste the bitter seasons of life?

I’m not so sure that would be such a good thing. Imagine eating only chocolate cake every day for the rest of your life. Or, if you are into salty snacks, imagine only eating potato chips or popcorn for every meal for the rest of your life.  You would certainly grow to loathe the very thing you thought you loved! What a shallow, meaningless existence we would be living!

Just like a fabulous cup of coffee, or a delicious new recipe, life is flavored with a combination of sweet, salty, bitter, and even some sour. We must be careful about fixating on only one flavor at a time, but rather to enjoy the wonderful combination of experiences that make our lives full, rich, and satisfying. It is the struggles that give us strength and provide the contrast that make the blessings of life even sweeter.
The beautiful poetry in Ecclesiastes 3 paints an accurate picture of the seasons of life:
(verses 1 and 4, ESV) For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

…a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance…

If you feel stuck in one season or can only seem to recognize one flavor, I have found that the missing ingredient is usually thankfulness. Just a pinch will do! As you practice kneading some heartfelt thanks into the batter, or stirring in words of praise into the pot, no matter how bitter or flavorless the situation, you will bring out the full-bodied aroma and savory scrumptiousness of the recipe of your life.

Look around, the reasons for praise and thanks are everywhere.  Look for them and intentionally give thanks. Enjoy the goodness of the abundant life God has designed for you with all of its many flavors!

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18, ESV
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10, NLT

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2 thoughts on “Life Is Like a Good Cup of Coffee

  1. Shari Lewis

    Thank you so much for reading and for the encouragement. Since my husband and I have begun pastoring, I have put my blog on the back burner temporarily. I miss writing and want to do it more regularly. I'll work on getting a positive message out there to temper all the doom and gloom!

  2. dachsiemama

    Beautiful! And the reminder of thankfulness–thank you for that–lol! And I need to spend more time reading blogs like yours and less arguing with people on Facebook. And I wonder why I see only doom and gloom?


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