Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

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When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Or, maybe I should ask, “What do you perceive that you see?” The difference is that we don’t always see our reflections clearly.  Too often, we wage an internal war with our self-perception. We look at the image staring back at us and fixate on our mistakes, our shortcomings, our flaws, and the things that we just don’t like. That slightly crooked nose, that blemish, those few extra pounds, or the hair that just doesn’t quite do what you want it to. We look at the features that make us unique and beautiful with dissatisfaction.  We may not like the shape or color of our eyes, or our lips aren’t full enough, our cheeks are too puffy, or even the shade of our skin can make us unhappy.


What is that all about? Why do we have such a difficult time seeing our true beauty? Has the fake, airbrushed society we live in caused insecurity to override our self-acceptance?  Have we bought into the lie that if we don’t look like a Victoria Secret model than we might as well just crawl under a rock and hide? Have we placed our worth solely on our external selves and ignored who we really are? Have our expectations become shallow or unreasonable?


Many of our insecurities were left behind with our adolescence. Most of us have come to terms with who we are, for the most part, and have learned to love the woman that God made us to be. However, from time to time, a nagging remnant of self-criticism, comparison, and inadequacy tends to rear its head up in defiance, toppling our fragile confidence. Most of us will admit that at times, we still have a difficult time shaking off those negative comparisons or self-destructive thoughts. The enemy would have it no other way!  He knows that if he can sway us to believe anything that is untrue about ourselves or about the God who created us, He can halt our effectiveness as women. What is so crazy is that we know better, yet we keep buying into his malicious lies!



It is time to saturate our hearts with the truth of who we really are. It is time that we stand up, look into the mirror, and allow ourselves to see the image that God sees. We are His daughters, real princesses!  We were created in His image, exactly as we were meant to be. He designed our bodies and our outward appearance to be exactly as He wanted it to be, and we can learn to make the best of what He has given us. He gave us our hearts and has made the most valuable part to Him as beautiful as can be. He has given us unique gifts, talents, personalities, dreams, ambitions, and passions that all come together to make us who we are. He looks at us and is enthralled by our beauty!  It is time that we see that too!


No longer should feelings of low self-worth or self-loathing be entertained by God’s daughters. That will certainly not be a part of me anymore!  No longer are we to listen to Satan’s lies about us and to allow Him to rob us of our peace, our sense of value, or our productivity. No more shame, fear, or hiding behind insecurity!




Internalize these truths:  “I am significant.  I am so very loved. I am beautiful.  I am accepted.  I have a purpose, and I am equipped to fulfill that purpose.”  For more Biblical affirmations to help reestablish your thinking, please print and use these Power Thoughts for Women.  When you make it a daily habit, and you internalize these truths, they can transform your life!
You are beautiful!
Beautiful, by Mercy Me: 

 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

Psalm 139:13-16 NLT 

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