Mulling in Frog Stew

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Do you want to be free today, or would you rather hang on to your frogs for just one more day?

Moses asked Pharaoh, “You name the time. When do you want me to get rid of these frogs?” Pharaoh replied, “Do it tomorrow.” (For the whole story, see Exodus8:1-10.)

I have always found his response so thought-provoking. If Pharaoh had truly become sick of all the frogs, then why did he not say, “Do it now? Get rid of these infernal creatures this very minute!” The entire country of Egypt had been overrun by these obnoxious amphibians. Their beds, ovens, dishes –you name it! – had become infested, and they had no peace. However, Pharaoh chose to hang on to his misery for just one more day.

Oh how we can all see ourselves at times in this scenario! What is it that has invaded your life, has stolen your joy, but yet, you have become comfortable with it? Sometimes it is easier to stay miserable rather than to make the effort to change because we get used to a life of bondage. Sweet freedom lies right there on the other side of our willingness to make a change, but we continue to choose slavery to our frogs, because mulling in frog stew takes much less effort!

We can attribute this metaphor to just about anything in our lives that holds us in bondage, but my frogs have been in the form of overeating, not exercising, being overweight, and being unhealthy. I have allowed those frogs to overrun my life and to rob me of a life of health, energy, confidence, and the joy of freedom.

When I see the opportunity to make a change and to finally rid my life of these frogs, I do just like Pharaoh, “Do it tomorrow.” I want to sleep in just one more day instead of exercising. I want one more day of eating junk food. I have to wait until our freezer is empty of all the ice cream, and my pantry is cleaned out from all the faux foods. I am willing to feel like crap just one more day because I don’t want to get rid of my old life of bondage.

Why do we do that? Why do we hold on to what makes us miserable when joyous freedom is in our sight?

We want just one more day of bowing down to the frogs. For me, I know that sweet tea is a terrible choice for a drink, but I want it! That handful of M & M’s will only cause me to veer off track, but I want them! Do I really?

Maybe it’s my “want to” that is all screwed up! What do I really want? Am I really willing to give up my long term goals just for a fleeting, temporary craving? Or, am I indeed ready to deal with these frogs once and for all? All it takes is to conquer my short term indulgences so that my long term desires can be fulfilled. Once I take the plunge and get used to living without my frogs, I won’t even want them anymore. Once I get a taste of sweet freedom and the joy of restored health and wellness, I won’t even believe that I traded all that for a life infested with frogs. But, the reality is that I have done exactly that.

But, not anymore!

I will approach this one day at a time.

What about you? What are your frogs? A habit? A defeatist mindset? A difficult situation that keeps you buried? A problem you are afraid to confront?

Are you ready to kiss some frogs good-bye today? Be encouraged. God will bear your burden in your place, and He will help you conquer the frogs! If you would like prayer for strength, let me know in the comments. You are not in this alone.

Be blessed!

Signature Shari



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