Rewriting Your Painful History

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For his anger lasts only a brief moment,
and his good favor restores one’s life.
One may experience sorrow during the night,
but joy arrives in the morning.  Psalm 30:5 NET
I love these words of comfort!  When we are in the heat of battle, when we feel as though we will drown in the agony of our emotional pain, when problems seem to rise on every side to overtake us, or when the loss we have experienced seems so great that it has us paralyzed with grief, we can take solace in these hope-filled words. 
As time goes by, your grief will begin to lessen, and your life will go on.  You will breathe again, and it will hurt just a little less each day.  Healing will come.  God will restore your life, and you will have joy again.
In my own life, I have experienced times of wretched loss and endured some painful situations that left me wounded, feeling like I would never recover.  However, I have learned that rewriting my history from a new perspective can bring tremendous comfort and healing.  As we recall events that have wounded us in our past, let us begin recognizing God’s role in it all.  What comfort did you receive from Him during that time?  Did you recognize his companionship when you felt lonely?  Did He provide when you thought you were destitute?  What did He teach you during that time?  How has your character been refined?  Did He use your loss to launch a ministry that has led to countless others being comforted and encouraged? 
Understand that I am NOT talking about denial, because I believe it is very healthy to recognize our situations and our emotional pain objectively and truthfully.  However, we can have a more complete view of our circumstances by looking through a new set of lenses that give us a more accurate understanding of how that piece of the puzzle fits into the big picture of our lives.  Let me explain.
My wounded lens remembers a time when I was falsely accused and slandered by a disgruntled parent who sought someone to blame for her child’s difficulties.  I was, of course, his teacher, so I was in the line of fire.  I still remember the anxiety, the physical reaction of chest pain, nausea, stomach knots, and headaches because of her displaced anger and lies, and the dread of each day as the situation snow-balled into an all-out attack.  I had never experienced anything like that before in my life, and I felt a hatred I had never known before for another human being.  I am certain that I had given that child the very best I had, and it was shocking to me to be treated like a criminal.  I remember my joy for teaching melting from my heart, not to return for a very long time.  I had allowed her to steal my peace, joy, and fulfillment in my calling as a teacher.
As I peer through a new lens, I see the same set of circumstances from an entirely different view point. 
My healed lens sees a time that God allowed me to experience emotional pain that would soften my heart to have compassion on other people in pain.  His goodness and mercy walked me through a time of growth and learning that has become invaluable in my life.  He used what I felt and learned to offer real comfort to others.  He used this experience to refine my character and prepare me for a future purpose.  God allowed this to teach me how to seek Him and find true peace and joy that is everlasting, even in the middle of pain.  I can now say that my peace and joy are undoubtedly genuine because of what that mom put me through.  I see a time that God taught me about His protection, favor, and defense of His children, because the truth of the situation came into the light.  I was vindicated, and this family was not allowed to return to the school because of the trouble they caused.  God fought and won that battle for me.  Most importantly, I see a time that God taught me how to forgive others and see through their eyes.  I learned patience and understanding, and I learned how to love someone who was bent on destroying me.  I experienced a reconciled relationship that painted a portrait for me of God’s forgiveness and grace.
Do you see the difference in looking at the same set of circumstances through a fresh set of lenses?  Look at all the wonderful things God did for me!  Rather than rehearsing the hurt I felt, I have found healing in rehearsing the goodness of the Lord instead.  I don’t deny my hurt, but I recall that memory in a new way. 
When you begin to see your pain from the perspective of what God has done in your life, you will experience a new level of healing in your heart. 
Here are some practical examples:
Wounded lens:  My house burned down, and I lost everything dear to me.  My life has never been the same, and I am so angry at God for allowing this to happen to me.
Healed lens:  God protected me and my family.  Or, if any passed, He welcomed my family member into His loving arms for eternity, and I will see him/her again someday. God used this to do a wonderful work in my heart so that I can minister to someone else in need.  He was there with me through it all and has restored what was lost.
Wounded lens:  I’ll never forget the way that person hurt me, rejected me, and betrayed me.  My heart will never be able to love or trust again.
Healed lens:  God brought me through a painful time that helped me understand the rejection and persecution he felt when He went to the cross for me.  This gave me a deeper love for my Lord.  He understands me perfectly and can therefore heal my heart like no one else can. 
Wounded lens:  I am so weary from this legal battle.  I am so upset about the financial loss, and I don’t know how I am going to get by.
Healed lens:  Let me tell you about a time my faith and patience had an opportunity to be strengthened.  Let me tell you about a time I learned that God provides everything I need.
Wounded lens:  When the stock market crashed, I lost everything I had worked for all my life.  What am I going to do about retirement?
Healed lens:  I have been through a season of learning how to trust my trustworthy God.  He has shown me how He always comes through for His children.
Wounded lens:  I was devastated when I lost my job.  I feel so useless.
Healed lens:  I learned that every problem is really an opportunity to try something new.  When I lost my job, I discovered a higher calling and a more fulfilling career.
Wounded lens:  The accident left me disabled, and I am so angry at God for allowing my mobility to be taken away from me.
Healed lens:  God allowed me to go through a time of leaning on Him and receiving His strength when I am weak.  He showed me what is really important, and He has given me renewed purpose in life.
I know your pain is very real.  Your problem, your battle, your need, and your hurt are in no way being devalued or diminished with this way of thinking.  Life can really be excruciating sometimes.  However, there is a very real and loving God who is with you in the middle of your pain.  He grieves with you when you grieve, and He is in the process right now of healing your heart if you will let Him. 
Rewiring your memories to include the blessings of God in the midst of your pain will help you find comfort and healing.   Remember, nothing is wasted.  God uses everything we experience and turns it into something good for us somehow.  He will use your pain to bring healing.  Yes, I said that correctly.  Not only will he heal your pain, but he will use your pain to bring healing to others, and even to heal broken areas of your own heart.  It is in our pain that we are able to see God more clearly.
Now you do it.  How can you rewrite your painful history in a new light?  What has God done in your life through your pain?
 And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose, because those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.  Romans 8:28-29 NET

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