This morning, I was studying 1 Corinthians 12, concerning spiritual gifts and the body of Christ. I have read it so many times and thought I had grasped the depth of the concept, but today’s reading spawned some major contemplation on what it truly means to be part of the body and to be called into ministry. I know God was speaking to my heart, and I want to share these with you in hopes that it speaks to your heart as well.
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I first received the call from God to offer my life completely to full time ministry when I was fourteen years old. I have become so passionate about serving God, and I love Him now more than ever! However, along the way, I have had many rough seasons, challenging learning opportunities, and difficult times of stretching and growth in which God has continually been molding me into His image and preparing me for His purposes.
Today as I read the chapter, I jotted down some of the principles God was speaking to my heart. Every one of us has a special call from God on our lives. These points will give you some tremendous food for thought and some serious ideas to ponder in preparation to fulfill your purpose in the Lord.
Before you read the bullet points, take a moment and read 1 Corinthians 12. Make a special effort to compare translations as well. I have included New Living Translation, New International Version, and The Message for you, but you can easily add other parallel translations from here if you would like.
God has made you for a purpose, and He longs to do something magnificent with your life. He has given you unique gifts and abilities to accomplish this. Here are some things to remember:
- -First and foremost, remember that it is God’s ministry and not yours. Seek to honor Him above all things, and let it sink in that it is not about you.
- -Have an attitude and a heart that is pleasing and honoring to God. When your heart is wholly devoted to Him, you will not get caught up in petty divisions, strife, or self-serving pride that cause so many ministers to fall.
- -We all have different gifts, but they are meant to complement each other. We are complete only when we work as parts of one body – Christ’s. Unity within the body is pleasing to God and crucial to accomplish His work.
- -All the different gifts are given by the same Spirit and are meant to work together with others. God placed each member of the body where they would fit perfectly, and He expects us to work in sync with each other.
- -Instead of thinking of it as “my ministry,” think of it as only part of a larger picture in which it is God’s ministry. We are only participating in what God is doing, not hoping that he will bless what we want to do. Never get that mixed up.
- -We are given gifts for only two purposes – to glorify God and to bless other people. It is never about self. When we seek to promote self over lifting up Christ, we will certainly be humbled.
- -We should respect, encourage, and build up others in their callings since we all have the same goal. It is a grave error to feel threatened or in competition with others in ministry.
- -Never forget that ministry is about people. No matter what your specific gift or calling is, God ultimately wants it to be motivated by deep love and devotion for Him and for the people He loves. Nothing else has any value.
- -Seek to be faithful in all things. Follow through to completion the work God has given you to do. Never quit or give up.
- -Never give God half-hearted service or your leftovers. Give Him your very best. Seek excellence for His glory.
- -You must be willing to submit to spiritual authority. God has designed order in the church for a purpose, and He has placed accountability over you. Always respect and honor that as long as it is in line with God’s ultimate authority.
- -Have a teachable and correctable spirit. If you are easily offended when given Godly correction by those in authority over you, you need to examine your motives and your heart.
- -Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Live a life of purity and holiness before God. Walk in the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. He will honor and bless that.
- -If you want God to use you and bless His work through you, you must live in obedience and submission to His will. Seek God’s will daily and wholeheartedly, and pursue it with all that is in you.
- -Study His Word daily. Let is sink in and transform you to the very core so that you will be most effective for His purposes.
- -Get rid of contentions, division, and pride. They will only squelch the work of the Spirit through your life. Humble yourself before God and exalt Him alone.
- -Be filled with the Spirit. You have nothing to give when you are empty. When you try to do it on your own strength, you will certainly fail. However, when you allow God’s Spirit to saturate your entire being, there is nothing He can’t do through you!
Now it is your turn! Can you think of anything that should be added to this list? Do you have an Scriptures that relate?