My husband’s idea of roughing it, on the other hand, is in an air conditioned camper with a fluffy mattress, a refrigerator stocked with cold drinks, and definitely modern plumbing. Let’s add some electricity while we are at it, and at least some wi-fi so he can feed his addiction to his smart phone. Well, I think I may like his idea of roughing it as well! Perhaps there is a happy medium somewhere in there for the both of us!
What tops all of the fun of camping off for me is to gather around the camp fire in the evening, roasting weenies and marshmallows, singing, telling stories, and snuggling with my loved ones. The sounds of crackling and popping, the dance of light over the bright red embers, the woodsy fragrance of smoke wafting through the air all seem to entice the senses and lull us into a euphoric state of relaxation and peace. What a perfect end to a fun-filled and exciting day!
As I gaze into the glowing flames, I contemplate the other side of fire. How can something so beautiful and inviting also be so vicious and frightening? The very same sweet dance of flames that invite all who gather around it to enjoy its warmth and ambiance can also be one of the most destructive forces on the earth. Lives have been lost, homes and possessions consumed, and even cities destroyed by wild, out of control flames. The destructive side of fire can evoke such images as horror, death, destruction, and hell.
Yet another facet of fire involves a more symbolic and beautiful picture of love and passion. Often, the description of a fire burning within a person’s heart depicts the consuming passion that fuels one’s deepest affections. There have been numerous songs, books, poems, and movies written about this wondrous fire, and even a line of diamonds symbolizing the heat of love’s passion called “Hearts on Fire.”
And, as before, there is always a flip side. This same beautiful fire that passionately consumes the heart with love and joy can also burn and scar the very same heart with indescribable pain and agony. The singe of unrequited love is an incomparable burn. Talk about heartburn!
In a spiritual sense, fire also has many facets; however, this is one area we tend to misinterpret when we see its activity in our lives. The flames that make us feel like they will kill us are often the very flames that are purifying and strengthening us. We need discernment when we sense spiritual fire in our lives so that we will know how to respond and to allow God to work through it.
I have experienced four basic types of fire in my walk with God, as I am sure you will relate to each of these.
1. Fiery trials that come to test our faith and character, to purify us, to make us more pliable, and to make us stronger. When a blaze of trials comes upon our lives, we may feel as if we will die under the agony of it sometimes. But take heart and rest in God’s promises. He is doing something marvelous in your life!
2. The fiery weapons of Satan, who is bent on our destruction. Do not make the mistake of underestimating our enemy in this great spiritual warfare in which we are engaged. However, while we may absorb some terrible blows, we can also be assured of ultimate victory. Satan is a defeated foe, and God will not allow this fire to overwhelm you! What I love most about this is that God will turn the very tools that the enemy has formed for your destruction and use them to build you up. God always turns it around in our favor! There is no need to fear this fire!
3. The Fire of Discipline. Unfortunately, some trials that burn the hottest are brought upon us as consequences of our own choices. It is not a tormenting punishment from an angry, vengeful God, but rather painful discipline of a loving Father who purges junk from our lives and points us in the right direction so that we will be able to fulfill His purpose in our lives. A little discomfort now may prevent worse consequences later. This kind of fire does not indicate rejection or loss of our relationship with God, but on the contrary, it is actually evidence that we are truly His. He only disciplines those He loves and calls His own. My advice here is to cooperate and choose obedience. His ways are always best!
4. The fire of God. Fire is often used to describe the power and glory of our God. There is none beside Him or can even come close to comparing to Him. He is The Almighty, The Holy One, The Creator of the heavens and the earth… How could we adequately describe Him with limited mortal words? He is beyond description! He is awesome!
The fire of the Holy Spirit can manifest itself mightily through believers. When we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives, the Holy Spirit comes to live within us. We become temples of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19) Do we even have a clue of the power we can tap into that dwells inside of us by the Holy Spirit?
There are also greater manifestations of the Spirit that we can seek, and it is known in most Pentecostal circles as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He can become so alive in us and set our souls on fire if we let Him! What mighty deeds He can accomplish through us when we allow Him to ignite us fully with His Spirit! I want the fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life; how about you? It is nothing to fear, but it is something wonderful and powerful to be sought after.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not also mention the wrathful fire of our God that will destroy all sin and evil for all of time. He is victor forever!
The next time you cozy in front of a camp fire, a backyard fire pit, a fall bonfire, or a romantic fire in the fireplace in the winter time, I hope it will remind you of all the many sides of spiritual fire as well. May your perspective be refreshed as God uses fire to refine your life. And, when you go through a fiery trial, I hope the song in this video will encourage your soul, as it does mine! “Through the Fire,” by the Crabb Family.