When It All Seems So Fuzzy

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We all have questions at times when life doesn’t make sense. We see things all around us that make us wonder what God is thinking and what in the world He is doing. Often when these questions remain unanswered, many jump to the conclusion that there just can’t be a God. It doesn’t make sense! 
This is me, all fuzzified!
The trouble is that we do not see the whole picture; He does. He knows what He is doing, and He is ALWAYS good! He is sovereign, and we do not have to understand everything on this side of eternity.
 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.  All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT

As I have been studying the book of Romans, I came across a very interesting set of verses in chapter 11 that has sparked some more study for me. If you are wrestling with unanswered questions, this will make you think:

33 Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!
34 For who can know the Lord’s thoughts?
Who knows enough to give him advice?
35 And who has given him so much
that he needs to pay it back?
36 For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. Romans 11:33-36 NLT

So often, we like to compact all of our understanding of God into one neat, tidy little box, and then we are thrown off kilter when He does not line up to our finite conclusions.  We see so much around us in this world that does not make sense to us, and we are perplexed even more when events that touch us personally seem to go awry. 

We thought we understood the character of God, and now events have left us with nothing but a fuzzy view.  All the Windex in the world will not bring it all into focus! 

We ask, if God is so good, then why do we have to suffer?  Why do our family members become ill?  Why do tragic accidents happen?  Storms?  Floods?  Fire?  Why do people go hungry and homeless?  Why did we lose something that was so dear to us?  

According to these verses, we are unable to discern the Lord’s ways, but all things are intended for His glory. And, if God isn’t the one to blame, isn’t He the one who allowed it? While situations may not seem worthy of glory at the present, ultimately, in the big scheme of things, there is a higher purpose that we simply cannot grasp. Things may seem fuzzy now, but we do have the promise that one day, it will all finally make sense to us.

I have written several articles concerning keeping our faith in a good God while enduring suffering and loss.  If this is you, I hope these encourage you.  

Where is God in All This Suffering?  This points to the goodness of God in spite of our difficulties.
When God Doesn’t Seem Fair  This one in particular answers several questions about what God could possibly be accomplishing in our lives when we experience loss.
Consider It a Gift  This one is a reflection on the good that God is doing in our lives when He allows struggles.

When I am perplexed in the midst of tragedy or loss, it helps me to remember the things that I DO know about God. Let these truths sink in deeply!
  •         He is sovereign.
  •         He is all-powerful.  He can do anything.
  •         He is all-knowing.  He sees the big picture.  His perspective is far beyond ours.
  •         He is everywhere.  We can never be ripped out of His hands, and we can never go anywhere that He is not right there with us.
  •         He is a God who protects, heals, saves, delivers, and restores.  
  •     He will right every wrong.
  •         He works everything out for our good and for His glory.
  •         He weeps when we weep.  He rejoices when we rejoice.
  •         He is ALWAYS good.
Here are a few more verses to ponder if you have questions about God right now.  It is OK to have questions, but choose to ask from a standpoint of faith and of understanding what we do know about God rather than of doubt. Do not give up on faith in God.

Our God is in heaven. He does whatever He pleases!  Psalms 115:3 NET
But he is unchangeable, and who can change him?
Whatever he has desired, he does. Job 23:13 NET

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

For deeper understanding, I recommend studying 1 Corinthians 2:6-16.  I included five different translations in this link for clarity.  God’s ways are completely hidden from the nonspiritual, but the Holy Spirit reveals the hidden mysteries of God to us who are His children. 


When we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we can know and have the “mind of Christ,” according to verse 16.  Isn’t that astounding?!

This is where we turn when we cannot seem to understand or make sense of God’s ways.  We do not have to be in the dark, nor do we have to stumble and fall in the darkness of our earthly circumstances.  We can stand tall in the light of God’s truths, and we are rock solid when we stand on the Solid Rock!

God bless!


 Shari Lewis

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